Mizukage's pet

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Her eyes shifted between the lake and the patrol guard of the Mizukage's men. She was seriously enticed to go ahead and simply pay Terumi Mei a visit, but the cloak and her companions were holding her back. "This is seriously annoying. If it weren't for you going rogue, we wouldn't have to fucking hide."

'Calm down Inner. Even if I hadn't gone rogue, I'd be made one after this.' Sakura thought nervously, wiping her palms on the inside of her cloak. "Let's fucking move already." Hidan's voice made the girl flinch ever so slightly. Taking a deep breath, she hummed firmly and made a swift signal. The Akatsuki members jumped into action, skidding in front of the Mist Jounin. Both parties fell into fighting stances quicky, the Mist shinobi not looking the least surprised. "State your business." The team leader was a tall, muscular girl who really looked no more than 16 years old. Her face was strangely expressionless, like she was ordered to keep a straight face.

'She knows we're here. Terumi Mei knows someone is looking for her.' Sakura thought suddenly a fear conquering her. "Get it together. You know there's no other way." Inner did her best in calming the girl down, knowing if she retreated, she'd later regret it. Knowing her host's timid demeanor, she couldn't blame her for jumping to conclusions but out there, no one was on her side. Neither her Akatsuki partners nor her experience.

In her panic, Sakura hadn't even realised her comrades and the Mist shinobi were already fighting. Cursing herself, she scanned their soon to be battlefield. The enemy team was consisted of four jonin, three male and the female leader. Among those she could make out a taijutsu specialist she assumed was the most suiteble opponent for her.Jumping down behind him, she swinged a kick at his head.

The rest jumped back while he simply ducked, avoiding the kick and dealing a blow at her side. The pink haired rogue recovered from it and decided to change their location. Slipping behind the man she grabbed a fistful of his clothes, kicked chakra at her heels and hurled his body towards the woods. She dashed after him, jumping over him and punching him to the ground. Skipping back, she stared at the form inside the crate waiting for a flinch. 'Not moving at all. Did I get him?' She felt Inner growling at her and stepped more firmly on the ground. "Don't get cocky, stupid. Smell his damn odor."

Driving the flow of her chakra to her nose, she sniffed deeply getting a strange whiff of raw flesh. Not being able to supress a gag, she fell on her knees, emptying her lunch with tears in her eyes. "T-the hell is that? That's not a living person.." "Exactly, dickhead. Get away quickly!"

Before doing anything though, she felt a palm pressed between her ribcage. The adrenaline rushing through her, numbed the pain of multiple of her ribs snapping and injurying her lungs and stomach. Her body was sent flying into a tree, damaging her organs further. "Fuck." It was nothing more than a whisper of a voice but it was all she could manage. Her lips shivered and her vision went painfully white.

A feeling of helplessness surged through her mind as she felt the living corpse walking towards her. "You got any chakra left? Can you stand me coming out?" She understood her host was unable to give a coherent answer,so Inner grudgingly made the decision of coming out. The decision on the spot to not form a clone for her to possess but immediately get control from Sakura was something she later regretted.

'Fuck, what's with this pain?' Sakura's body jumped out of the way as a kick broke the trunk, of the tree she had been thrown against, in splinters. "So, you're still up for a fight, Konoha shinobi-san?" His voice was crystal clear and confident, contrasting with his form, which was petite and slumped forward. Inner, now in full control of the girl's body, avoided any reaction to the pain stubbornly knowing it would be out of her favor. "Of course. Why don't we start anew?" With that she shot a ball of chakra to his side, catching him out of gaurd. A hole could be seen at his stomach but face still expressionless.

"Disappointing." She didn't give up, instead launching at him. They started throwing and avoiding punches and kicks, in a tiresome manner. Inner was obviously impatient and trying to end it quickly as she feared Sakura's body with the damage it had sustained would collapse any minute. She ducked, allowing a kick of his to graze her head before shooting upwards grabbing his leg and lower body in the process.

They both fell on the ground with Inner on top, who started punching his face mercilessly. He fought back, punching her sides and thrushing around. Huffing she dug her feet into the ground to keep herself in place and forced her thumbs in his bright orange eyes. Her mouth broke into a cruel smile and she cackled slowly as his horrified screams echoed through the forest. She put enough pressure to make sure his and also her comrades would hear him good.

"Well, aren't you a sweet little thing?" Just as that crystal clear and confident voice resounded again, the corpse Inner had beat into a bloody heap disappeared. In its place was left the dead body of an animal, unrecognizable at this point. Inner's head snapped to the side to take a good look at the man, who sure as hell wasn't dead or blind. "Damn you." He suddenly appeared behind her sitting form and grabbed her head snapping her neck. She managed to twirl her body just in time avoiding her instant death. Inner brought simultaneously her hand, honed with chakra, to his ankle severing his tendons and veins. The man fell to his knees allowing a painful gasp to escape his throat. "That's mean of you." His voice still didn't falter bringing more anguish to Inner who felt she didn't have much time left in this body. Sakura seemed to have acquired a severe internal bleeding and almost an organ failure.

Keeping her palm honed with chakra she made a last attempt at killing him, slashing into the nape of his neck and seeping her blood into his spinal cord. She jumped back putting a few good feet between them before collapsing while grabbing her abdomen. "What did you do to me?!" At last, the voice had gotten anxious. She flashed him a powerless smirk, her tone also fragile and faint. "Poison." She stared as his mouth foamed and his form slowly crumpled to the forest ground.

"It's over, dumbass. You can thank me later." Anticipating no answer from the unconscious mind of Haruno Sakura, she sighed painfully. Standing up gently, she proceeded to distance herself from the corpse in case someone came across it. Next, she decided it was crucial she promptly healed Sakura's body. Dropping to the ground, she sat cross-legged placing her hands over the internal wounds. Flaring her own violet chakra, Inner patiently treated to her host for hours on end.

We're The Mistakes Of The World. [Haruno Sakura fanfic] A sequel to DWMU!!Where stories live. Discover now