Imagine #1

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I'd been in Germany, and having heard of a music festival in ­­­­­­Scheeßel, I naturally wanted to be there, so I bought my tickets and drove down to the scene. It was a big festival, with a lot of well known german bands playing that I'd never heard of. I'd expected most of the songs to be sung in german of course, so hearing the phrase 'Stone Cold Crazy' made me turn to the stage with curiosity.

And that's when I saw the most perfect creation my eyes had ever taken in. His face was perfectly proportioned, his eyes glistening with excitement. He wore an harlequin leotard, with a necklace and ballet shoes.

And his hair. Long bright black hair that could only be described as a mane.

I moved closer through the crowd to get a better look at the 'God' that stood before me. He danced around the stage, microphone in hand, singing softly to his audience. The song was all in english, yet the german crowd sang along to every word.

As the singer sang, the musicians played, and what came of it was a sound that filled me with a desire to join in with the crowd, and let myself get lost in the music. I liked this band, and I wasn't about to let them slip from my grasp.

The last chord was played. "Danke schön!" were their last words before chucking their towels into the audience and leaving the stage. I didn't hear the name of the band as the screaming was too loud to hear over. I would find out later however; I needed to hear more of this band.

They didn't come back on though. The german bands resumed playing, so I went and stood at the side to see if I could hear more on the mysterious english band. I placed myself near two girls and watched the newest band play. My attention was diverted to the other girls, and I tuned in to what they were saying.

" ..Freddie...yeah he is so hot! I love Queen! Freddie Mercury is amazing!"

..Freddie. Freddie Mercury. Queen. He must have been from that band. I filed the name into my memory and proceeded towards the exit. It was getting late, and anyway, I had research to do.

I got back to England the next morning. There was no point staying in Germany, I'd seen all I'd wanted to. After making myself a cup of coffee I started reading the newspaper.

'Queen to play at Manchester, Liverpool and Newcastle by next month part of their Sheer Heart Attack Tour.'

It was him. The black haired guy came up on the picture next to the information, and I read the letters at the bottom of the pic.

'Freddie Mercury, lead singer of Queen...'

Queen. It was definitely them. And now I knew exactly what to do. Manchester was where they were playing next. I was going to see them again, and I was determined to meet this Freddie person.

So yeah this is my first imagine no-one has requested one yet so I just quickly wrote this one

Please request away

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