Imagine for Samanths (queenieforever)

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I awoke startled to the sound of my telephone ringing, I looked over at the little alarm clock on my bedside table '5:30am'

"who the bloody hell would ring me at this time of the morning" I groaned as I rolled out of bed and picked up the telephone

"Hello, Sam. Is that you..?" A voice that belonged to none other than my best friend Freddie Mercury asked me over the line.

" no this is her bloody twin sister" I shot back sarcastically.

"I am not in the mood for your immature and petty fucking jokes. Could you please come over I need someone to comfort me" he growled over the line.

"Y - yeah sure I'll be there in a few minutes" I replied and quickly placed the phone down in its cradle..

I shivered as I stepped out into the chilly London air.

"Fuck you Freddie" I mumbled to myself as I knocked on his front door.

"Thank you for coming at this ungodly hour of the morning" he said sniffling and gazing down at me with red puffy eyes.

"Are you okay, Freddie..?" I asked concerned as I stepped inside, hanging my coat on the rack beside the front door.

"Sweetheart I'm sick. Very, very sick and I need you to help me get better before tonight's show" he smiled and walked upstairs into his bedroom.

I followed him upstairs and tucked him into bed making sure he was comfortable. "I'll be right back" I said as I ran downstairs into his kitchen to make him a drink to soothe his throat.

"Here this should help soothe your throat" I smiled as I handed him a steaming mug of lemon, water and honey "it will also help you sleep" I added, pulling up a chair beside his bed.

"Thank you for doing this. You don't know how much it means to me" he gazed up into my eyes sincerely with a small smile playing on his plump pink lips.

"It's no problem at all, Freddie" I smiled in return.

I must have just zoned out because all I can remember is Freddie's plump lips caressing mine in a soft, yet passionate kiss.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to do that for." He said breathlessly after we finally pulled away.

All I could do was just smile like a goofball.

"Maybe we could go on a date one day, Sam..?" He bit his lip shyly.

My, oh my that lip bite will be the end of me. "Yeah I'd like that, Freddie" I smiled.

"Okay let's go.!" He said enthusiastically.

"I hate to burst your bubble lover boy but your sick and you need rest. Sleep and maybe I'll take you up on that offer for a date" I winked at him as I walked out of the room..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2014 ⏰

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