Imagine for Coral (John Lennon)

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John looked at the small list of numbers he had on the fridge he kept, just in case he was bored, or he and Cyn had a fight. He glanced down the list, finding your name. A smirk danced across his lips as he took the slip of paper and headed off to the phone. He had a plan.

John and Coral had known each other since they were kids, and had never lost touch. Even after John's beginning of stardom, he'd still call up on a Saturday and see how you were. And he always knew how to make you smile. But things got tough after he got together with Cynthia, and honestly you didn't really like her. She seemed very shy, but was super attached to John. Every time she was with him, she would always kiss and hug him, hold hands with him too. Not like you were jealous though. You and John were just friends, after all.

John sat in a chair next to the phone, waiting for your answer. Ring, ring, ri-. "Hello?"

"Hey Coral." John said in one of his deep, funny voices that always made you laugh.

"Johnny!" you screamed in delight.

"Jeez, blow my eardrums out why dontcha?" John chimed, making you giggle.

You were rather angry with John though, because this was the first time in months he's called. You glared at the cord of the phone and said in your calmest tone "John, have you been well?"

He was rather puzzled with your question. Of course he was well! He would have called you and confided if there was something wrong with him, long before he'd tell Cynthia.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What would make you think there was something wrong with me?" Before you could answer, he said "If there was something wrong, I would have told you long, long ago."

"Okay, okay, I was just worried. You haven't called in months!" You yelled. John grinned at your sudden angry outburst. He loved when you acted like this.

"Oh, does that mean you love me? Cause that certainly is what it sounds like!" John said, grinning a wide smile. You simply blushed and shook your head.

"N-no, I-I was just worried because, I mean, all of your fan girls and performing a lot...Puts on a lot of stress on a person after a while," You said in a silent whimper. You always had questioned if you liked John...That way. Usually, you shook it off and said how much nonsense it was. He had Cynthia, he had someone already and you had...No one.

"Well, I'm goin' over to yer house. I Can't stand bein' home alone. Especially on a day like this," John said in one of his very soft, sweet voice he only ever used with you. Or Cynthia if he managed to upset her a lot.

"Fine. See you in a few," You said in a monotone voice. You weren't gonna let John slip away again so easily.

John heard the phone beep repetitively, which made him conclude that you hung up. He swiftly made his way over to the coat rack, pulling on his suede shoes and trench coat. He pulled his hat over his head and mittens to cover his hands. He smirked in the mirror before exiting the house, knowing today was the day he'd make you his. The day he would finally profess his love. He hated to think Cyn and Julian would be on their own, but he and Cynthia hadn't been getting along too well lately, and he knew it wasn't going to work. It would be better for him and Julian and Cynthia. He hated to put her through pain, but it was for the best. After all, he loved you more than anything or anyone in the world.

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