Imagine #1 cont'

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Chapter 2 I've never seen anyone as beautiful as you

I was there. Manchester. Only hours away from seeing Queen again. And this time, I was going to meet them. Well, I hoped to. I'd been queuing outside for three days, yet there were still people In front of me. Not many though. Maybe I would still make the front row.

Time passed by. More fans arrived. And then everyone started screaming, shouting. Waving their signs about. The band had arrived!

The black car drove slowly past us, then stopped near the entrance. A man got out, probably in his late forties. Didn't remember him being in the band. Ah, he was just the driver. The tension throughout the fans was getting heavier as the man went to open the door. And then he walked out. Freddie Mercury. The one I had come to see. And by the look of things. The other fans had as well. Many of them held up signs covered in pictures of Freddie, and messages to him.

Whatever I was thinking was instantly forgotten, as I stared into Freddie's eyes. They shined brightly at his fans. And then, for a split second, he looked right at me. And smiled.

I hadn't even met this guy, yet there was something about him that made me want to...jump on him. Or whisk him away with me somewhere far away...

By the time I smiled back, he was gone. Inside the venue with the other members, while I was stuck outside with a bunch of rabid fangirls. I knew we'd go inside soon though.

The venue was packed. I'd still managed to get to the front row though. Painful as it was to get there, it was worth it. I knew tonight was going to be one of the best nights of my life. I waited anxiously with the other fans for the moment when Freddie stepped out onto the stage and began to sing.

As the lights faded, I knew that moment wasn't too far away. I could see two silhouettes on the stage, hardly visible within the darkness. And then, music filled my ears, as the one on the left started to play. The other one joined in, then the drums. The stage was glowing with light now, yet Freddie wasn't on the stage. Where was he? I looked around, and then I heard him. That soft, beautiful voice flowing round my ears. The song had only just begun, yet it was filled with emotion. As I heard him sing, I looked to the side of the stage. There he was! He ran up onto the stage, singing into his microphone. Wearing another brightly coloured leotard, and also time he was wearing ballet shoes. He looked...amazing. Perfect. Words couldn't describe the perfection within him. He dance up to the edge of the stage, so close that I could almost touch him...if only the barriers weren't there.

I grabbed my camera and took a couple of pictures. I wanted to get as many pictures of Freddie as possible. Fans around me were screaming, so it was hard to hear the music. However I dance along, waving my hands around, I needed to get Freddie to notice me. I was sure he could see me from where he was.

Freddie continued to dance around the stage, his energy boundless. He sure did get into the music, always moving, never still. He occasionally would run up to the band's guitarrist, and sing to him, before leaping back to the middle of the stage and dancing again. He had me transfixed to him the whole time. He had all the fans transfixed. As the first song came to an end, he paused, and started to talk.

"Hello Manchester!" he shouted into the mic. And then he talked, soft and slow, His voice was so soft...his smile so full of character. Every time he spoke, he took a short pause and looked round at his audience.

Freddie stopped talking, and the guitarrist started playing. And then Freddie sang again, and I knew this was the only place I wanted to be right now.

As I walked out of the concert hall, I felt completely satisfied. Tonight had been amazing. No, more than that. And Freddie had looked at me... He'd stared at me. While he was singing. Perhaps I was imagining things, but it seemed like I would meet him very soon. Not tonight though. As I walked out onto the street, I saw a familiar long black hair hidden amongst a group of surly looking men. Freddie!

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