Junhao - One Is Not Enough

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There he was. Sleeping. Looking so innocent, so vulnerable. His eyelids softly touching his skin. And his lips. Oh, his lips. Pink and plump. So irresistible.

Jun crawled on top of Minghao, being careful not to wake him, and placed a small peck on Minghao's lips.

AHHHHH! I loved it! Oh my gosh! I can't believe I kissed him! Jun was fangirling for a bit, until he decided he wanted more.

"One more," he kissed Minghao again. "Kya!!!"

"Just one more," he kissed Minghao a bit more longer.

After giving him what seemed like a thousand kisses, he was going to leave Minghao sleeping, until he suddenly wanted more again.

"Last one, I'm serious."

He kissed him again. It started off soft, but then soon became more passionate and intense. He slipped his tongue into Minghao's mouth, causing Minghao to wake up.

"J-Junnie hyung! What w-were you doing?" Minghao said, flustered and covering his mouth.

Jun blushed in embarrassment. "U-uh, I can explain! You see, I-um-I!"

Minghao hit his hyung with a pillow. "Y-you idiot! You can't j-just kiss people when they're asleep!"

"S-sorry, I just-um-"

"It's fine," Minghao leaned in and placed a small peck on the older's cheek.


"Yep! But, I hope you've learned well. You will be punished."


"No breakfast for you!" Minghao basically knocked out Jun with a bunch of pillows. When he left, the older couldn't help but smile. He likes me, he totally likes me!!

So that was based on a scene from Love Stage. I hope you guys have enjoyed!

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