Soonhoon - Distracted

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"S-Soonyoung, can't you just go back to the dorm and stop bothering me? I'm trying to do my work," Jihoon said.

"No way! I wanna stay with you."

"Soonyoung, I'm getting really distracted by you."

"Pretty please?" Soonyoung played with Jihoon's hair.

He blushed. "F-fine! Just get me a cup of coffee."

"On it, your highness!" Soonyoung saluted.

Soonyoung handed the cup of coffee to him. "Here you go!"

"Actually, maybe I don't want coffee."

Soonyoung pouted. "Jihoonie!"

"You can have it if you want."

He groaned. "I don't want it, I want you to have it! I made it for you!"

"Ehh I don't want it."

Soonyoung put his hand into a fist. "Ugh, okay."

It was a few minutes of silence until Soonyoung decided to speak.

"You okay, Jihoon-ah?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," he said with a bit of an attitude. "Why?"

"If you're tired, please rest. I'm worried."

"I'm fine."

"Please take a break. I know you're not fine."

Jihoon just ignored him and concentrated on the computer screen.

"Jihoon!" Soonyoung turned Jihoon's chair around so he was face to face with him. "Listen! Please, don't overwork yourself. I don't want you to be weak. I care about you."

"I'm telling you, I'm fine!" He stood up.
He was stumbling a bit and was beginning to lose consciousness. To be honest, I'm so tired. But I can't disappoint the other members, especially Soonyoung...

Jihoon fell into Soonyoung's arms. Soonyoung caught a glimpse of the weak, vulnerable Jihoon wrapped around his arms.


"Don't worry, Jihoon. I'll bring you back to the dorm," he scooped Jihoon up.

"S-Soonyoung! This is embarrassing! What if one of the members sees us?" He blushed. "I can walk on my own, I-"

"No. You're exhausted. You need rest. I care about you. And I love you."

The flustered Jihoon tugged weakly at Soonyoung's collar. "I love you too, you idiot."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2017 ⏰

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