Game Night

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"Alex, I told you all of this already."

"And I told you to tell me how you know who Kara is!"

"It doesn't matter how I know. It doesn't take away from the fact that I need to be in the room with her. So if you'd excuse me," I get up and turn to leave, but freeze when I see Kara right behind me.

She looks me in the eyes, "Who are you?"

I sigh of relief, "Oh thank goodness, you're ok."

"Besides the bruises and soreness, I'm fine," she reassures me, "But you didn't answer my question."

"Oh... well, you see, I'm... I gotta go," I push passed Kara and run into someone.

"Going somewhere," I look up to find J'onn.

"Yes, actually. I have to get home. I've got stuff to take care of. I'll be back though. This isn't the last time you'll see me, J'onn, trust me."

I take off to a hiding spot and change faster than a blink of an eye. My phone starts to ring. I smile at the ID. Damn it's been forever. I hit accept and put the phone to my ear, "Maggie!"

"Hey, Y/N! So. Guess what!"

"You finally got a life?!"

"Oh hush up. No. There's another hero in National City. And, I was wondering... if maybe, you wanted to come hang out with me and a couple friends tonight, we could talk about it there. Maybe try and figure out what kind of alien this person is. You know, like old times?"

I thought about it for a second. I mean, it has been forever since I've hung with Maggie. Fuck it, "Hell yeah. I guess I'm in. Want to meet somewhere," there's a sudden silence, "Maggie? ... Mags..? Maaaagggiiiee? Ma-"

"BOO," someone yelled whilst grabbing my sides.

I jumped and turned around, "Maggie!! What are you doing here? Where the hell did you come from?"

"Just got off work and I'm heading to my friend's house. Wanna just follow me there?"


We walk a couple of block catching up on things we've missed in the passed couple weeks. And apparently Mags has a new girlfriend and she's gonna be there tonight. It's kinda exciting, it's like we're teens again. The anticipation is killing me as I walk up the stairs in her friend's apartment. We walk down a hall and Maggie knocks on the door. I give her a grin and the door opens to reveal Alex. Wait... ALEX?!?! What the hell? We step in and I watch her and Mags exchange a hi and a kiss. Then she turns to me, "Y/N, this is my girlfriend, Ale-"

I put my hand up, "Alex Danvers is your girlfriend? The one you've been nonstop gushing about?"

I smirk at the blush on her face, "not too shabby, Mags. Not too shabby at all."

I turn to Alex and go for a hug, which she returns gladly, "Hey, Alex. How have you been? It's been a couple days since I last saw you."

"I've been good. Just busy between this one and work. Haven't been around much."

"Hey, Y/N!"

I turn around and hug the source of the voice, "Winn! Hey!"

James walks in, "I didn't know you were coming."

"Me either, until Maggie invited me."

Then it clicked. These people here. This was the party Kara invited me to earlier. As if on cue I hear footsteps and watch as the blonde enters the room, "Hey guys, whi-Y/N. You're here?"

"Uhh-Yeah. I guess I am," remind me again, why I'm nervous, "Maggie invited me."

"Oh. Cool. Well, I'm glad you could come after all."

I noticed how she winced a bit when she turned toward the fridge.

"I call couch," Winn yells.

"No. Maggie and I get couch," Alex and Maggie go to pull the man off the couch.

James sighs, "I better go break them up," and heads to the living room area.

I turn to Kara, who is hidden behind the fridge door. I look to her hand holding her stomach as she holds a pained expression. She must have some serious bruising. Thankfully, whatever my mother was, she had the ability to heal others. I can only do small to moderate stuff. Even the deep tissue bruising will take some energy out of me. I take a breath and walk over to Kara. She looks at me like she's about to say something, but I just shake my head. I move her hand gently, never breaking eye contact as I then get a light hold of the bottom of her shirt. I notice the almost panic in her eyes. Smiling to comfort her, I ask, "Do you trust me?"

She doesn't say, just gives a slight nod. I slowly lift up her shirt to see her nasty bruise. I lightly press my palm to it and focus on healing it. After a couple seconds I release my hand, having fully healed the bruise and sigh of relief. Scratching the back of my neck, I just smile nervously at her, then walked away before she could ask anything. I find a spot next to Maggie on the couch, only to see her giving me a look. Which I just try my best to ignore, but I know that she knows I took notice. Her arm up and around Alex,  Winn and James in chairs opposite of us, with an open chair for Kara. She comes in with glasses and a pitcher of water, "Mike couldn't make it. He was busy with extra work."

"That's fine," Maggie says, "But can we please quick take about this new hero in town. Like, do we have any idea which planet she came from? What her powers are?"

I shrug, "Who knows? Maybe she's a Daxamite? Idk. If only we had a friend in the DEO who could help?"

I heard Alex choke a bit on her water then catch her breath, "What?!"

"Was it something I said?"

"How do you know about the DEO?"

"Why are you so worried, Alex? It's fine. I'm not telling anyone. I just know the organization is all."

She turns to Maggie and Mags puts her hand up, "dont look at me, I didn't say shit. She's known about it longer than me."

"Besides, telling people would put J'onn in trouble, that's a problem. My parents were friends with him once upon a time."

Kara speaks up, "How did your parents know him?"

"When he was on the run, they housed him for a couple months. That is until the DEO almost found him and he took off to protect them."

"Wow. Maybe you should come in sometime! I'm sure he'd love to see you," Winn said, almost excitedly.

I smile, "You think? It's been a while since I've seen him. He might not remember me."

Alex speaks up, "Well, maybe I could bring you in one of these days."

"So you ARE DEO," I tease almost, "that would be amazing. To see J'onn again... that would be something. You know, he taught me how to ride a bike."

"Really? So how old were you when he lived with you then?"

"About 15. I know it's kind of late to first learn to ride, but the orphanages where I lived before never had bikes, so I never had the chance to learn."

"I remember her being so excited we she came to school one day. We ended up going on bike rides a lot during high school. It was our escape," Maggie says, smiling at the memories.

I suddenly hear shooting a couple blocks away. I see Kara jump a bit, as I get up unexpectedly.

"I, um, forgot something I had to do before the day was over. Sorry, I gotta go so soon. My brain has just been so scattered lately."

Kara stands up, "I'll, uh-see you out."

We walk to the door and she actually comes out to the hall with me, "Y/N, I never want you to feel alone. I know, having been an orphan and all it's hard not to sometimes. Just know, I'm here. If you need something."

I don't say anything, I just hug her. She is stunned for a moment then she hugs back.

"Thank you, Kara. Enjoy the rest of your night!"

I hear the door close as I walk away. With a smile I run to change and out the window I go.

Behind Your CapeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora