Coffee and Questions

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I don't want to be up. For the love of all things good, what is that sounds. My hand frantically searches for the source and pulls it up to my face. Who calls someone at 9 o'clock in the morning? I don't know this number, but I guess I should probably answer it, "Hello?"

"Hi, Y/N. It's Kara."

I smile instantly at the sound of her voice, "Miss Kara Danvers. What can I do for you?"

"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to meet at Noonan's and get a coffee or something. You know, and talk about our mysterious hero."

"Sure thing. When do you want to meet?"

"Well, I'm getting ready now. But whenever is good."

"Ok. I'll get ready, then head over."

"Sounds great. I'll see you soon."

"See you then. Bye, Kara."

Damn. She definitely has some sort of hold on me. Normally I don't leave the house until at least 12 on my days off. I get up and, instead of my usual dress wear, I put on some black skinnies, but make sure to adjust so I'm not suffocating, causing me to just sag them a bit. I decide on a grey sweatshirt, pulling it down a bit to cover my exposed boxers, and decide to put my hair up. Aaaaand glasses, can't forget those. A thing that us kyptonians all seem to have in common. Helps keep our x-ray vision under control.  Or at least, that's what it's initial purpose was. Once I got older, I learned to control it better. I take a look in the mirror and decide this is the best it's gonna get, then head out. I, only living a couple blocks from Noonan's, decide to just walk there.

I step inside and instantly spot Kara sitting at a table. She's talking to a waitress with that smile of hers on her face. That smile could make the coldest hearts warm again. She's so effortlessly beautiful. And those eyes are something to get lost in. I walk towards her as the waitress walks away. She doesn't even see me, just directs her gaze out the window. I finally make it to her, "Hey, stranger."

She jumps and her eyes lock on me, "You scared me."

I sit down, "That was the point, duh."

She laughs causing her smile to come out, "You're mean."

"Maybe you're just too sensitive," I chuckle at my teasing, "Anyway, let's get to it, shall we?"

"Yes, let's. So, I looked at the photos you took, and they are amazing. Just incredible. Still can't believe that you actually gave me these."

"Well, I know talent when I see it. Also, you're my friend, gotta give a story when I know one. And that'll show what's his nuts, just how incredible you are."

A blush grows on her cheeks, "Oh. Well, thank you."

I shrug, "Anyway, about your interview later, where did you want to meet up?"

"I don't know, if I'm being honest. Where do you think would work for her?"

"How's about, she'll just find you. And you guys can go from there?"

"Sounds perfect. Except for, what if something happens and I have to change?"

"I'll tell her that Supergirl is a friend of yours, and if she gets stuck somewhere with her, just to bring it up. Deal?"

She thinks about it for a second, "Deal."

"Well, now tha-"

I'm interrupted by her phone, which she quickly answers, "What's up? Yes. Ok. I'm on my way," she looks up at me as she hangs up the phone, "I've gotta go."

"Sounds like a Super emergency."

She giggles, "That it is."

I stand up with her and hug her, "Stay safe, please."

She squeezes me a bit, "I will. I promise."

After she leaves the store I quickly make my way out and change. Immediately, I head to the DEO. Once I land inside there are guys pointing guns at me. Alex walks to the front, with Kara behind her, "What are you doing here?"

"Helping Supergirl. Whether she knows it or not. Y/N Y/L/N sent me to help. To make sure you stay safe. And to help, you, agent Danvers, and J'onzz."

"Wait," Alex looks like she's trying to process everything, "you know Y/N?"

"Yes, ma'am. Her and I are actually rather close."

"What the hell is going on here," I turn to J'onn who appeared out of nowhere.

"I've just come to lend a helping hand, sir. Y/N Y/L/N sent me."

He gives me a look, then smirks a bit, "Ok. But you listen to everything you are told, got it?"

I nod. He walks up to me to give me an earpiece, "Out of all people, you should know that you can't hide who you are from me, Y/N/N."

I smile at him, "I wouldn't dream of it."

He nods, "Ok! Supergirl, take lead, and our friend here will follow you. Let's get to work people."

I watch as Kara takes off, then follow her. We soar through the city to L-Corp. Multiple gun shots going off. There are 3 shooters, and someone trying to get into Lena's office. Or at least that's where I think that pounding is coming from. I grab Kara's arm, "They're after Lena! Fly to her office and get her, I'll take care of these guys."

She looked like she was about to question me, but then flew off. I step into the room and I'm instantly fired upon. Wonder how long it will take them to realize those don't work. All well. I sprint to the one next to me, "Hello," I grab his wrists and throw him into another shooter, "Goodbye."

Turning to the last man, I notice him load a clip of Kryptonite bullets and I'm on him in an instant, "Nice rocks you got there," I knock him out, "you wouldn't mind if I borrowed them, would ya?"

I grab him and the other shooters and tie them up. Then proceed to take any kryptonite and put it in a lead threaded bag.

"Thank you."

I turn to see Lena, "Don't mention it, Ms. Luther. All in a days work,"but if you'll excuse me, I have to meet up with a friend."

"Oh of course. A hero's gotta do what a hero's gotta do."

I nod at her, then take off. Seconds later Kara is by my side, "Where are you going?"

"I gotta drop something off with J'onn, then meet up with someone."


Before she can say much else, we are at the DEO. Instantly J'onn greets us, "Great job out there. No casualties, not too much property damage either."

"We have to talk J'onn. I need to talk to you, Supergirl, and agent Danvers. As soon as you have a spare moment."

"I have a spare moment now. Agent Danvers!"

Alex walks up to us, "Yes, sir?"

"Us four have a meeting, now."

He starts to walk away, with us three right behind him.

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