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*I have been very sick for the past few days (I mean I still AM but I have nothing to do tho soo HERE YA GO!) I'm sorry for not updating! Andy will be shown in this chapter a lot more, including some X ANDY! AYYYyyyyyyy yw!*

"By the way, (Y/N),    
it's okay to be a flirt," Patrick said.

I blushed but then I just hugged him. I had feelings for someone else. High standards, I know. But honestly, I think he likes me, too.
Not Patrick...
Andy Biersack.

I patted his head and he smiled.  It was only a few minutes before Panic! At The Disco went on stage. 
"I guess we should stop talking now and get our equipment off the stage because Brendon texted me. He's walking back," Patrick said.
We cleared the stage and cleaned it off with a broom. Just a little. Brendon saw me cleaning the stage. 
"Oh, ha. No I got it. Don't worry." 
He took the broom from my hands and started quickly sweeping.
"Are you sure? Because I don't mind..." I started.
"No I got it!  Believe me," he said.
I shrugged my shoulders and walked away. I went up to Emma and my friend, and we talked.
"I think Patrick has a crush on someone~!" Emu joked.
"I know right? Ooh~" (BFF/N) also joked.
"Heh- I know he does. It's obvious. But I have my eyes set on someone else, believe me, I know he likes me." I said.
"Brendon?" Emu asked.
"Is it Frank? He's close to your height, but Patty is closer..." (BFF/N) asked.
"No, no. High standards... I don't wanna tell you, you'll embarrass me..." I said.
"ANDY BIERSACK!" they both yelled at the same time, very loudly.
I felt someone tap my shoulder, most likely Brendon.
I turned around to find Brendon Urie standing behind me.
"I have to tell you something, you're (Y/N) right?" He asked me.
"Y-yeah I am.... Wait, why?"
"Someone I heard you liked wants to talk to you. Your friends shouldn't scream your crushes so loudly. Andy's waiting backstage, go get him.. Ha..." He said. 
I gasped and hugged Brendon, and ran backstage. 
"So... Is she gonna get some of that Andy or what?" (BFF/N) asked Brendon.
Brendon laughed, "I think Andy's married, so... Hah... Doubt she's gonna get ANY Andy, but maybe... Just maybe!"
"Oooh~!" Emu yelled. 
(BFF/N) and Brendon laughed. 

----------BACKSTAGE WITH ANDY----------

"Andy?" I called, "are you there?"
I heard footsteps quickly walk out of a room, but not sure where it was coming from or who it was. Whoever it was, they were walking fast. I looked but they seemed to be in a long room way down the hall. 
"Right here!" I heard Andy's beautiful deep voice call.
I saw him running out of a room and down the hall towards me. He was really out of breath, so I offered to sit. There really were no chairs, so we sat on the floor against the wall. 
"So, I heard you had a crush on me? Everyone does, but I think you're cute, too. I just thought that you should know that. You're cute. I like you, you like me. Tons of people here like me too, but, you're....." His voice trailed off and he was blushing a lot. 

"I-I get it.. Heh.. You okay?" I asked.
"I'm fine, you're just so..."
"So... What?" I asked.
"So... Fucking pretty... Your eyes are beautiful," He said, staring into my eyes and I was staring into his.
"Is this real life or...?" I asked joking.
He put a hand on my cheek and looked into my eyes and leaned forward.
"It's real life, honey. I hope it is," He said seductively. Hell, he's always seductive.
"O-oh..." I managed to say.
My face was on fire from blushing, and so was his.
He leaned closer, and so did I. Was this actually real? I put my hand in his hair and he bit his lip and we touched our noses together. I almost screamed, was this real? Was I about to kiss the Andy Biersack? Yes. I was.
He moved his head to the side and closed his eyes, and I closed my eyes, too. He puckered his lips slightly and we touched lips, and he pecked my lips and gave me a small kiss. I blushed. I heard the door open to the back. 
"(Y/n) we're about to- OOOH DAMN!" I heard Brendon say.
"WHAT!?" I heard (BFF/N) yell from the distance.
"Oh, nothing, they were just kissing that's all!" Brendon said.
"Ooh~!" Emu and (Bff/N) yelled. 
"Anyways, heh... You should leave now. Meet me again backstage. I'm in room 24. See ya there, I hope..." Andy said. 
Andy stroked my hair softly and then helped me up and he walked back to his room and waved. I waved back and smiled which caused him to smile, too. I saw him disappear into his room, and the door shut. 
"So, what happened?" Emu asked.
"YEA! YEA!" (Bff/N) yelled.
"You gonna kiss again?" Brendon said jokingly and winked then laughed.
"I mean, maybe.. But to you guys, I mean.. He kinda just started flirting and then we ended up kissing."
"Damn right you did." Brendon said.
"HA!" Emu yelled.
"We have a show to go on guys. Let's go now..." Brendon said.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2017 ⏰

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