Chapter 1.

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Quick note, I saw the trailer above on YouTube and just got inspired to write the story. I did not make the trailer, The amazing Indieregui did. If you want check her videos out, they are amazing. As for the story, I did write. So please enjoy :) xoxo


The music was blaring in Kara's ears as she walked into the club. Winn was at her side, looking around like an excited puppy. "DRINKS!" He yells towards her, grabbing her hands as he heads towards the bar. There they meet up with James and Lucy.

"Hey guys." Kara says smiling widely. "Kara you look beautiful." Lucy says, reaching for hug. Kara hugs her and looks towards James who just smiles towards her. "You do too, of course." Kara says as she pulls away from Lucy.

"So drinks." Winn says again as he calls the waiter over. Before Kara can even look around a shot was pushed against her hands. "SHOTS!" Winn yells which makes Kara laugh. She knows this shot wont affect her, hell even James and Winn know that, but she wont remind him in case it ruins his fun. They all clink their drinks together before taking the shot.

Kara laughs slightly as everyone makes a face, but Kara's face stays the same. Finally, Kara glances around the room. Majority of people are on the dance floor. Briefly for a moment, Kara thinks she sees a familiar face but before she can figure out who it is, they disappear.

"This way." James says placing his hand gently on Kara's back which catches her a little off guard. "We got a table." He whispers in her ear, which to be honest causes shivers down her back.

As Kara slips into her seat Winn hands her a little canteen. "I know our drinks dont affect you, so I went and found something that will." Winn winks towards her and laughs. Interested Kara opens the canteen and takes a sip. Before Kara knows it, she drank the whole canteen and she defiantly felt drunk.

James laughs at Kara as she begins to stand up and dance to the song playing. At the corner of her eye Kara sees Lucy tell James she has to go. She kisses his cheek before running out of the club. Before Kara can even react she feels James hands on her. James brings her towards the dance floor and they start to dance. A part of Kara feels that this is wrong, but the drunk part of her doesn't care. Eventually though, she pulls away and goes to sit across from Winn who much to her shock is making out with a girl. When he glances at her she gives two thumbs up and smiles.

"Are you drunk?" Kara hears someone say towards her. She looks up to see Alex standing there shaking her head. "Alex?" Kara says confused.

"You weren't answering your phone." Alex says firmly, but then laughs towards Kara. "Are you really drunk?"

"Noo...." Kara says slurring her words. "That's not possibl-pos-possible." Kara says smiling widely.

"You are!" Alex says laughing. "You really are." Alex leans down to pull up Kara with her. "Come on, time to go home."

"but I dont want to! I love dancing." Kara says pouting slightly, "I was dancing with-" Kara looks around but cant find James. "I just want to dance." She says pouting even more. Glancing around the club Kara notices a girl at the bar staring at her. Quickly the girl turns away and Kara smiles. Green eyes. Is all she thinks.

"Okay, one more dance?" Kara glances at Alex and jumps up excited. "Let's go." She says pulling Alex with a little too much strength.


In the Car, Kara briefly hears Alex talking to Winn. "What did you even put in her drink."

Winn moans. "I'm not saying okay, you'll just keep it from her."

Alex shakes her head. "Never. Drunk Kara is actually pretty entertaining."

They both laugh and Kara knocks out in the back seat.

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