Wedding: Part 2

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Alright, he was doing this.

He was doing this.

He was actually doing this?

Even after all the months of planning, all the sit downs and shopping and general hectic nonsense of getting married, Newt found himself throat dry and back to square one when he was shoved into the room with Queenie and Jacob with them shouting in glee of just the idea. He found himself buried deep in insecurity and doubt, his hands shaking a bit more than normal and sweat sliding down his neck like a snake.

They don't really want to marry you, the thoughts said.

They're faking. They just feel bad for you, they bit.

They don't actually love you, they screamed.

Why did you even think-

"Newton?" A hand was placed on his shoulder, making the wizard shoot forward in surprise. Snapping his head back he saw his friend, his best man, looking almost as surprised as he was. "You okay?" Jacob asked him.

Newt simply nodded. He didn't think he could find the words for how not okay he was. He felt like he was being pushed and squeezed into a tight tub of water with hands around his throat while the cold water rushed through his nose and mouth, stinging his eyes that blurred over with tears and salt.

"Bathroom." Newt was able to slip out even though he was absolutely drowning. Help me were the words so transparent and soft inbetween the simple word that no one could see it, but would anyone really want to? Not really, he thought.

The wizard was walking and gone before Jacob could say a word. It's best he doesn't hear anything, the voices in his head were loud enough to begin with. The voices that were screaming and telling him that this was all a huge mistake, leading him each step further in the forest. For a second he forgot why he was there- until he remembered that the wedding was placed right outside of it. How silly of him to forget. How stupid. How worthless.

Abruptly, Newt stopped in his tracks and stared down at the forest floor. No doubt he was dirtying up his brand new shoes. You'd be mad at him for doing so. You've never done it before, but you'd probably yell at him. He wouldn't blame you. He deserved it, he deserved it all-

"Honey," He heard your call, and at first he doubted it was even there. Sometimes he heard you at his most desperate hour but the voice ended up cold and sharp that Newt had learned to turn away from it. Dropping down to his knees quickly, Newt covered up his ears. Maybe the voice would go away if he just couldn't hear a thing. Everything would just go away if he just.. Wasn't alive. None of this would be happening. You could be happy. You would be happy. You didn't need him like he so desperately needed you. You just didn't.

"N... Ut... In... Out... good..." He could faintly hear. Your voice right next to his covered ears, whispering in that sweet voice of yours. It wasn't cold, it wasn't sharp. It wasn't wishing him to just get away. It was telling him to -

"Breathe.. You're doing so good. In. Out." It took him a second to realize you were there, actually with him, bent down on the ground with your arms around his shoulders and talking to him so sweetly. It made his breathing quicken. Oh, you were ruining your clothes, and it was all his fault-

"No, nonono baby. You were doing so good, so good. In and out. With me, breathe with me. You can do it. In and out." Newt could feel your chest moving up and down against his, slowly and carefully. The rhythm lulled him, your soft body on his calming him down. You weren't angry, at least you didn't sound angry. Not yet. But you would be if he didn't breathe along with you, so he did. In and out, In and out. Slowly, slowly, slowly his thoughts calmed down and the shaking stopped, Newt's arms finding their way around you.

It was silent for a few minutes after that. Just the two of you on the dirt ground, holding each other.

"Newt," You broke the silence. "Are you okay?"

"Do you really want to marry me?" He avoided the question quickly. He didn't know if he was okay. He wouldn't know until you told him what he's been begging to hear for all day today.

"Why don't you come to the isle and find out baby? Come with me?" You moved up a little, your shoes digging into the ground from your weight. Your hands held his freckled ones and Newt only stared at the engagement ring on your finger. You hadn't taken it off at all since you put it on that night he proposed to you in the snow. That meant something, right?

"Yeah." The wizard stood with you, your hands still together. "Yeah."


He still stood with you, your hands entwined together, except at a different time and place. A man with some book or saying words that went in one ear and out the other. People seated in seats and people crying. He felt like crying too, but his eyes were much too dry. All he could do was stare at you, and all you could do was stare at him.

Time was flying by and soon you were saying something that were so dear to him he was sure he wouldn't ever forget. He put it in his heart and locked it. He said the same thing, just so you could feel exactly how he felt. So overwhelmed with joy and love that you couldn't say anything else but.

The two of you kiss. The people cheer, the flowers are thrown. The birds fly, and the sun shines. It's like any other day except not at all like any other day. He's with you but now it feels different. It feels real, it feels strong. The anxiety is finally cleared from his mind and while Newt knows it's going to come back he doesn't dread the thought. Because now you're with him, and that's all he needs. That's all he needs.

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