03. So, I did some shopping

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03. So, I did some shopping

Loki's unblinking eyes watched Naz with disappointment. Mortals...so persuadable, so useless, so finite. He was wasting his time here. He got up in a fluid movement just as she raised a foot to walk to her death, across the window sill nine floors above the pavement.

And suddenly, he was there on Stark Tower, facing Thor, trying to fight his brother, looking at the destruction of the place he had been promised. His Earth. His subjects. Destroyed, running wild, screaming; everything seemed a waste, a fool's errand. He had been a fool, so persuadable, so gullible, so cowardly.

He mumbled, "It's too late. It's too late to stop it."

He was shaking and his stomach lurched when he realized where he really was. He forced his body to move as he watched Naz walk off. "No!"

He wanted to grab her back but the stupid handcuffs were not much help either but he managed to get a hold of her t-shirt and caught her, just barely.

Naz broke out of her trance the second she felt something pull her back. She gasped as she found herself mid-air hanging by the material of her t-shirt. What was happening? Her heart went out of control as she dared to peek below. Bad idea, very bad idea. The distance of nine-floors and the solid pavement at the end was enough to make her vision go blank. She screamed for help, cursing Loki, cursing Steve, cursing Thor, cursing fucking Tony for doing this to her.

Save worlds. Fat lot of good she would do if she was dead.

"S-stop wriggling," Loki muttered with clenched teeth, from somewhere above. "I've got you."

Her eyes were firmly shut and she was praying when he dragged her back inside with a final pull.

They fell onto the floor, Naz colliding with Loki's tall figure but she was the first to get up.


He faltered at the sight of her drained complexion and angry expression, "I-I-"

She punched his chest, pushing him back, "I NEARLY DIED! How could you? How could you do that? Do your magic-bonds even work? I have had enough of-" She stopped when she heard him cry out.

He was shivering, backing away from her. His back collided with the wall as he slid down, screaming in a language she didn't understand. She didn't need to understand the words to realize he was in pain.

She knelt beside him, "Oh my God, what's happening? Are you okay? Loki! Look at me!"

His unseeing gaze was disoriented, his breath shallow as he lost the fight to his mind. He moaned something, something about Thor, and all of a sudden, he was gasping for air, pulling at his handcuffs, pulling at his neck, wild, ashen.

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