He saved me

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~Your POV~
"Mom!" I yell.
"What now!?"
"I'm going to the park with Jodie and leondre, okay?!"I say while picking an outfit.
"Sure whatever!"
I roll my eyes and open my wardrobe, I choose a mint green oversized crop top with a pair of high wasted black ripped shorts, my mint green matching converse and a long gold necklace with a black hat.
I quickly grab my white cardigan and my iPhone and rush out of the house before my mom shouts. I decide to text Jodie and ask where to go as I've only now moved up Berkshire, so I plug in my earphones and blast TØP songs whilst I get my texts up

You: hey jod, where do I go, I have no clue😂 X

Jodieee: hey chummy, meet at the park it's not far, just cross the road and go left, I'll meet you Xx

You: okay Xx see you in a sec!❤️

End of texts
I turn of messages and a musical.ly notification comes up; '🔥Max And Harvey 🔥 just posted a new musical.ly' I click on it strait away and see that they are at the park that I was heading too, I started too freak out, I love them so much! I go find a song to lip sync too when all of a sudden...

I heard a voice yell before I am pushed to the ground, everything goes black and it feels like slow Motion... I can hear voices, but it was all a blur.
"Is she okay?!"
I feel Two strong arms pick me up and carry me to somewhere.
"Just stay here I'll get some ice"
I can't just make out a boys voice, I'm in someone's house, I'm not sure who's, I feel dizzy, and sick.
I try to get up but I fall again and I hear the voice talk to me.
"Try not to move, okay? I promise you will be okay. I so sorry I wasn't looking where i was going and I just bumped into you, but when I saw the car I pulled you back and you must have fainted..."
I can just about make up a boy figure, a tear of his rolls down his cheek and lands on his hand, I even notice a tear of mine run down my cheek.
"Oh no! Im so sorry I didn't mean to make you cry!"
"It's okay, I wasn't looking either" i replied in a raspy voice with a slight giggle, I see the frown on his stained face change to a small smile.
"I'm Max by the way" he says. Why does that voice and name remind me of something? I just don't know what?..
"I'm y/n" I giggle back, it was all still blurry but his voice calmed me, made me feel safe, he hands me my phone.
"I called the first relative I found on your phone and I believe your grandpa is on his way?... oh! And I also texted your friend I think was Jodie?" he explains, I just nod in agreement and I only now notice that I'm holding his hand and squeezing it, I felt safe, but nothing lasts forever when the door bell goes off.
•ding dong•
"That must be your grandpa, I really liked meeting you today, and I hope we will meet again soon" his voice soothes me but I still cannot see because my head is foggy and my eyes are tired.
"I'm sorry, Max, i-im kind of stuck, can you please help me to the door?..."I ask as kindly as possible.
"Of course!" He replies, I was expecting him to just hold my arm, but instead when I loosen the grip of our hands, he lifts me up bridal style and carries me to the door, he places me in the car with my grandpa and he thanks him, he kisses my head and puts the ice pack on my eye
"Thank you so much max I hope to see you again soon" I say a smile plastering my lips.
"Same to you y/n, and nice to meet you grandpa"
We once again thank him and close the door, me and my grandpa make small talk until I get to his house and he puts me to bed, thank god it wasn't my mom or dad!

~Max's POV~
I'm so dumb! I walk into this beautiful girl because I was too busy looking at musical.ly, I'm kind of glad though, I met her and that's what matters, I took her back to my home as there was nobody there, I texted her friend I believe called Jodie, and I called her grandpa who was really kind, I held her hand and she held mine back, there was just something about her, she was amazing. When I had her phone I entered my number as 'Max🤶🏿'
When she had to leave I didn't want to let her go, but I had too, I watched as the car left the street and she gave me a soft smile. I missed her already, but yet this was the best day of my life...

A/n I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I have most of this story planned out already 😂❤
Word count: 850 x

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