Everything will be okay?

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~Your POV~
I just lay there, in my tumblr decorated room, with my door locked, people have tried to visit me, I didn't allow, I only let max and Harvey in, Harvey was so kind and helpful, just like Max.
I just stare at my ceiling and a tear runs down my cheek, I start getting thoughts like who needs me now? Why am I here? My parents don't even want me? There's no point in living. Stay strong for him. I'm trying to stay strong for him, for grandpa, the only person who loves me, he told me to try be positive, and be happy, but he was my happiness, he was the reason I was still alive months ago, and now he's gone.
I get up and walk to my mirror, I look at myself and want to gag, I'm skinny, pale, my skin is all red and puffy, I have tear stains, scars, and I feel Ill, I walk over to my blades box and drag it slowly across my skin, I do it nice and deep so I get the pusishment I need.
I do loads and tears add to the layers of stains on my cheeks, I'm sorry grandpa I say to myself,
All of a sudden my door opens and there stands a worried looking max, he looks me up and down and I see the horror on his face, I try to hide all the blood and my blades and I cover myself with my black duvet but it was too late.

~Max's POV~
I wanted to go visit y/n, so I got her some flowers, and headed to her place after fixing my hair, the door was unlocked so I went in and went strait up the stairs, I walked into her room and what I saw broke me, I was just frozen, I couldn't move. She was sitting there blood everywhere, a blade in her hand, pills on the side of her bed, she was skinny, pale, puffy eyed, she has stains all over her, she was covers in scars.
I saw her try to hide all of her stuff it was too late, I had seen, I dropped the flowers and my vision went blurry, my eyes filled with tears as I ran to her, she broke down crying and I picked her up and cradled her, she cried into my chest as I kissed her head, I slowly got the blade from her hand and put it in my pocket, I put the pills in my rucksack, she continued to cry into me, she looked up at me and the sadness in her eyes made tears form in my eyes.
"It's okay baby, I'm here"
She continues to cry
I reach the flowers and give them to her

She looks at them and smiles a little, she was broken, here smile was broken, there was nothing there, I wipe the tears from  her eyes and hug her tighter.
"Come here"
I lift her up and carry her to her private bathroom, I get some cleansing wipes and wipe her wrists, she was shaking, every time I wiped a cut I could tell it hurt, they were really deep and she kept on flinching. I get some bandages and wrap them around her wrists, END OF TRIGGER WARNING

next I wiped her face down to try get rid of the tear stains and the sleep in her eyes
"M-Max?" She stutters
"Can you please g-grab me my makeup"she asks
I didn't know what to say
"You look perfect without it, you don't need any" she smiles slightly when I said that but she was broken.
"P-please Max?"
"Alright" I sigh, I really meant it she didn't need makeup she was so pretty, I helped her put it on, I knew what I was doing as I watched my mom, and I would do Tilly's
Once I finished I grabbed her some clean clothes, some comfy leggings, a grey tee, and some fluffy socks, I pass her the clothes and go put the blood covers ones in the was, as I was walking down the stairs she called me
"Max" she said In a cracked voice
"Yes baby?"
"C-can you help me? It's okay if you don't want too..."
"Of course"
I walk back up the stairs and into the bathroom, she was just in her underwear and bra, I help her with her leggings and her top, and she puts on her own socks, she has not eaten in days, I could tell, she was too weak, I helped her back into her room and onto the bed, I threw the stained towel on the floor and layed her down, she was still shaking and shivering so I placed my hoodie over her and grabbed my MacBook, I got into bed with her and got her a snack from my bag
"Here eat this"
"Thanks but I can't"she replied her voice cracking
"How long have you not eaten for?"
"S-since-..." she thinks for a while "since the day h-he di-" I cut her off as I know she would be upset my saying it
"It's okay I understand, you need to eat this" she shakes her head
"I'm telling you to eat this, please"
She takes the snack from my hand and slowly eats it
"Thank you" I whisper in her ear, I pull her close and put on a movie and she soon falls asleep on my chest.

A/N sad chapters I know, don't worry he will ask her out soon, next chapter may have a trigger warning but with parent problems, but how cute was the end though😭❣️
Word count: 970
Byeee🖤 LY all!❣️

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