Happiness doesnt last

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~Harvey's POV~
I got lost in her eyes, there she was, sitting next to me, I brushed the loose hair off y/n's face,
"It's all gonna be okay. Okay?"
She nods, I lean in when all of a sudden...

~Your POV-
I was about to kiss him, Harvey kitty (kitt*👎🏻👎🏻) mills, my long term crush, my goofball, my onion, when all of a sudden he smashed his lips onto mine, I was shocked and didn't know what to do, I kissed back,
⚠️MakeOut warning Not too bad

it got deeper and deeper what about Max? He doesn't love you anyways! He loves that beautiful girl that has confidence to be herself ! I got snapped out of my thoughts when Harvey was begging for entrance on my bottom lip, I feel like I can be myself around him. I let him in and he explored me, I let out a tiny tiny tiny moan and Harvey smiled into the kiss, by this time Harvey was up against the bed and I was climbing onto his lap, I tangled my hands in his soft silky hair, when I sit on him I realise he's hard. How cute. I smirk to myself as I started to grind, I had never done it before but I did it, he clearly liked it as he moans.
⚠️end of warning⚠️
We had a proper heaty make out session, nothing too bad, before I felt dizzy, Harvey took notice immediately...

~Harvey POV~
I couldn't help but kiss her, we had a really good make out session, she was so good, not going to lie she made me so hard omg. we had just finished when she looked a bit pale, I was going to ask her is she was okay, until she fell onto my chest, unconscious...
I started to panic, I reached for her wrist, I pulled up her sleeve and all that was there was scars, I was shocked but I checked for her pulse, I realised there wasn't one there so I called 999 (a/n it's 999 in the uk Ik it's different in America😘) and soon enough the ambulance arrived, I wanted to stay strong for her but I couldn't help the tears from streaming down my face non stop,why her?!

~skip to hospital blahahahaha harveys POV~

The doctor came in, with not a good look on his face, my parents were in the room with me, Tilly and Leo were at grandmas, and I'm not sure where Max was, I didn't really care, I was holding y/ns hand like it was the end, she told me everything about max on the way home. Then I realise, she was holding my hand back...
"S-she uh"the doctor stutters
"Y/n has a serious brain Tumor (I know it was cancer before guys, but recently my nan got diagnosed and I've been told she isn't going to survive..) , I'm sorry but there's no chance of surviving here"
"It's too late"
The world was spinning around me, I felt sick, my palms are sweaty, I couldn't breath, I just fell to the floor in shock crying.

A/n sorry I'm so depressing guys, but I had no other ideas, feel free to comment some, I will need someone to be part of the book so comment your name, hobbies, style, hair colour, eyes, blahblahblah you get it😂and you will either be a boyfriend stealer, one of the twins gfs which means you are y/ns best friend, or you can be someone else just comment and let me know💗
Also sorry for the short chapter but it's like 1Am in the uk rn🙄😂❤
There's basically no point in me doing this but:
Word count: 561❣️

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