Chapter five: Do I Threaten All Your Plans?

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      Jenna suddenly look scared, she nodded. "Yes, yes I'm okay Tyler." She smiled, but I could tell it was fake. She got up to leave but I didn't want her to go. Not tonight. I didn't care that I had only just met her, I wanted her to stay.
"Wait." I said, she turned to look at me. She didn't say anything. "Stay with me?" I asked. She nodded and laid down next to me. I loved having the comfort of Jenna. I know I just met her, that was one thing I couldn't get out my mind. I just met her, I just met her, I just met her.
I started to put one arm around her, ever so slightly to see if she was comfortable with it. As I laid my arm across her, she took my hand and came close to me. For once, in a long time, I felt safe with my arm around her. I felt like I never have before, maybe there was a chance. For some reason, being with Jenna, this girl who went to my school, who I had just met, gave me this strange feeling, a feeling a support, strength, life. I loved it.
You think that will last forever? The voice inside my head was saying to me, pulling me into a deep, dark, confined place inside my head. One I couldn't escape. I was shaking hands with the dark parts of my thoughts. I hated that. Jenna's not going to need you, she's going to drop you. You're smarter then that. You just met her, what don't you understand? No one will love you, no one will need you. You're just a freak. Will you never get it? No one needs you.
Suddenly, I get up. Jenna, who I assume was sleeping because she sits up and rubs her eyes. "Go." I say, trying to keep from crying. She looks at me, saddened. "Tyler.." She begins, but I cut her off. "Jenna, just go!" I begin to raise my voice and I can see tears welling up in her eyes. I feel terrible but I can't stop myself. She hurries out the door, blinking tears away. Why is she crying? She doesn't even like me. Stop saying that, please. She never would. I sigh and begin to realize that it's true. Who could love a boy like me? I know no one ever would. I wouldn't get together with a pretty girl like her. No, pretty was an understatement. Beautiful, gorgeous, stunning, breathtaking. Those beautiful blue eyes, shiny like crystals, with a hint of hope in them. When that girl smiled, oh God, she could light up the world.
"Stop." I said aloud, because if it wasn't for my crazy self, I wouldn't of driven her away. She's gone now. I sigh and close my eyes as the world goes dark.

Take My Hand : JylerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora