Chapter 21

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Emily POV

Alison is wiping off the counter when I walk up to the clear glass door of the Rear Window Brew and knock. 

She jumps and looks at me, her expression dropping to annoyed, "hey," I say and she sighs, turns around and walks up to the door, arms crossed with an angry expression on her face.

I feel the rain on my head speed up and I desperately stare at her, "can I come in?"

Alison thinks for a second and stares at me, her gorgeous blue eyes making me feel weak in the knees. I begin to smile, thinking she was opening the door but instead, she flips off the light switch.

I frown and knock on the door as she walks away, "Alison, I didn't know! Aria set me up! Please!" She walks to the back of the cafe and I lean my forehead against the glass, "come on. Please, you got to believe me." I close my eyes and grunt, "idiot," I mumble to myself and shake my head.

I stay by the door, sitting on the steps in the dark for 2 hours, rain pounding on my head as people pass me by. "Emily?" I look up in the rain and Mary Drake is staring at me, her eyes clearly worried and I stand up, "evening Miss Drake."

She frowns, "sweetie what are you doing here?"

I look inside and shrug, "I was waiting for Alison but I...I don't think she wants to talk to me."

Mary looks inside, "honey the lights are off."

"I uh...I know. I was just...hanging onto hope, I guess."

"Well here, come inside so I can make you some coffee. You could get sick out here. How long have you been here?"

I look at my phone and shrug, "2 hours..."

"Oh my gosh get inside and hurry. You must be freezing!" She pulls me inside after unlocking the door and I follow her to the counter where I sit as she makes me some coffee. "How did you know I was here Miss Drake?"

She chuckles, "somebody called me saying that there was a young lady sitting outside my cafe in the rain."

I laugh lightly and thank her for the coffee, then sip it. "So...why doesn't Alison want to talk to you?" I go to blame Aria but then I realize that I should take the blame. That's what a mature adult would do.

"I messed up and I hurt her. I never meant to but I did. It was a misunderstanding but it still happened and I want to make it up to her."

Mary ponders for a minute and then smiles gently, "Alison will come around. Just keep trying."

We talk for a few more minutes and I actually feel comfortable with her. Unlike in my own home. I feel so...annoyed every second with my dad and my mom is rarely around. After about an hour with Mary she offers a ride home and I thankfully take it, then go straight to bed.

Next Day

Alison POV

CeCe and I are in a music store and I look through albums, "Ce, did you ever hear of a UHF or their SARA?" She nods at me, "yeah, UHF. They're from Portland, right? They're good. Um, but with SARA, they're great." 

I nod in approval and smile, "cool."

The door opens and I turn, seeing Emily walk inside. CeCe instantly looks at me, "you okay" I gulp and nod, "yeah, I can handle it." I take a deep breath and CeCe walks away, leaving us alone and Emily walks over slowly, "I called your house. Your mom said you was here."

I groan, "crap. I should lie to her next time." Emily sighs, "look, I didn't know until Aria read that note, okay? I didn't even know there was a note until later. I wouldn't do that to you, Alison."

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