Chapter 8

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The next morning was a busy one at work. Today was the day all patients had to have a physical health check and be given any vaccines necessary. My mind was still on Harry and how he was screaming in his dreams. He seemed shook up about what ever he may have witnessed in his nightmares. The problem was he was so closed up and unwilling to talk about anything personal or dear to him. It scared me when I would ask because he would lash out quickly. I decided to leave it alone for now.

I headed to the check up room to help out. Several workers were already stationed at their places, setting up the equipment. Check up days were the busiest days because it was always chaotic. I took out the bandages, cotton, and alcohol of the cabinets and placed them on several different tables. Ms. Stalin walked into the room, checking up on everything. She was the type of person who wanted everything to be perfect. I didn't blame her, this institution was one of the best in the Country and she intended to keep it that way.

We all gave her a head nod, when she asked " Everything going okay?" She looked around some more, before going back to her office. Leah was one of the workers and she was officially in charge of this check up routine. She was the woman who got to carry around the clipboard and check everything off. I was glad to have her here because she kept everything under control.

" Alright, everything seems to be in order," She called out and began to call the names of workers that had to bring in the patients. " Lets see," She said, her eyes trailing off to the clipboard. " Emma bring section A patients in to the first station, Matt you have section B with the second station, Ella you have got C and the third station, and last for now, Annabelle bring in Section D patients to the fourth station." The workers who got called, including me nodded and left to bring in the patients.

I made my way over to Section D in the institution. Section D was quite small, compared to the rest. It held on six patients. Those six included Harry. Harry...why was my mind on him? He let me leave worried about him, yesterday. I stopped into the first room and motioned for Martin and Dmitri to follow me. The guards stay close behind us. Next, I had to get Rachel and Jade from their rooms. The third room was a middle aged man named Jeffrey. Last but not least, Styles.

I laughed to myself at how all the patients and guards looked like some sort of train, walking behind me. I kind of felt like we were almost in Elementary school, where we would have to walk in straight lines. I opened the door to Harry's room and not surprised, found him gazing up at the ceiling again. His expression changed some how, when he saw me and I gave him a smile, in which he returned. " What's going on?" He asked surprised that I'm here so early.

I motioned for him to follow me. " It's health check day. Come along Harry," I said and he got up, making his way towards me. He rolled his eyes, once he caught sight of the other patients waiting outside the door. " Oh great," He mumbled quietly to himself but I heard him anyways. The whole "gang" started walking back to the clinic room. " I call dibs to walk with Annabelle!" Martin shouted and rushed to my side, shoving Harry slightly as he did. 

If looks could kill, Martin would be dead from Harry's stare. Martin giggled uncontrollably as he walked next to me. " A-A-A-Annabelle?!" He said sounding a little bit too excited. " Yeah, Martin?" I answered and he giggled some more like a little girl. " If you think about it, this is kind of like a date," He said brushing his hand against mine. I awkwardly laughed and I could see Harry smirk from the side. " I guess," I said unsure of what to tell him. 

We got back to the room and I had them all line up in station four. " This is so exciting!" Martin squealed jumping up and down. " I'm getting a shot! I'm getting a shot!" The others patients were quietly mumbling words to themselves, clueless to Martin's voice. Harry though was another story. He rolled his eyes and sighed, as she shifted from leg to leg. I could sense him getting terribly impatient. I knew he didn't like being around these other patients...especially Martin. He was always too hyper for Harry's liking.

" Annabelle!" Martin practically yelled, shattering my ear drum. " Yeah?" I asked him, rubbing my ear. " When I get my shot, will you hold my hand?! Will you! Will you!?" He said going into hyper mode. I nodded hesitantly because he was creating too much of a scene. I think I will be telling Ms. Stalin more about his condition these past few days.

Some patients from the upper level were getting their shots taken in Station 4 and that is why we had to wait so long. I walked on over to Harry to waste some time. " Are you feeling better today?" I asked him. " Yeah," He answered with a nod. I took this time to admire how flattering Harry really was. It fascinated me how his curls could be so messy yet looked so good. Or those rare moments, when his usually dark eyes would light up because of an uncertain cause. And if you were really lucky, you would get to see his dimples peak through, when he was smiling an honest smile.

" Thanks for calming me down yesterday," Harry said looking directly into my eyes. I gave him a small smile. " Anytime," I said and he smiled but not a fake smile. He smiled a real one. One that I could tell came from his heart. " Will we still have our regular appointment today?" He asked me and I thought about it. " I see no reason why not. When I'm finished here, I'll come and check up on you" I answered him. 

" Harry," His name was called by one of the workers. He walked up to the leather chair and sat down. I watched as he undid the top part of his uniform and slid it down, exposing his bare upper body, so his shoulder could be accessible. In that moment, I could help but stare. He had a great number of tattoos scattered around his upper body. I did my best to gaze subtly at each one. By far my favorites had to be either the birds imprinted on his chest or the butterfly on his torso. As I was staring, it seemed like Harry noticed because he shot me a smirk.

I looked away quickly, my cheeks reddening. Someone tapped my shoulder and I looked at that person. Martin. " It excites me knowing I can make you blush just by standing next to you," He spoke and I had to refrain from bursting out laughing. I'm sorry but Martin was a little bit too much at times. I could tell Harry heard what Martin had said because he rolled his eyes some more at him. Martin laughed next to me thinking he was the reason behind my blushing.

" I'm sorry if I overwhelm you so much," He said and I just nodded along.

" All done Harry," One of the workers said and Harry got up from his seat, buttoning up his uniform. I sighed in relief once Martin was next to take a shot. He was too much too handle at times. " Annabelle, you said you would hold my hand," He whined from his chair and I made my way over to him. As I was walking to his seat, I felt someone grab me by the wrist. I turned around to see Harry.

He brought his lips next to my ear and whispered " It's cute when you blush"

Of course that only made me blush some more. He laughed as I made my way over to Martin.

" Have fun," Harry said with a teasing voice and I rolled my eyes at him. I'm guessing he knew I felt uncomfortable around Martin.

Mental ~ H.STempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang