Chapter 18

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I walked down the hall, grumbling things to myself. " Stupid Harry," I mumbled to myself all the way, until I reached my room. Pompous, curly bastard thinks he can get to me. He was so infuriating at times. Does he not know he has no one hear to talk to besides me? If I never talked to him, he would probably end up crazier than all the patients here because he would eventually start talking to himself.

I shoved the keys angrily into the key hole and opened the door to my room. " Bastard broke my favorite clipboard," I grumbled opening one of the cabinets and retrieving another one. I think I should sedate his ass more often. I always say Harry never talks much but I heard more than I want to of him today. I went into my files and pulled out the daily feedback paper. I scribbled Harry Styles under the patient name. I wasn't going to lie, he was out of control. Under the problem column I wrote " Numerous outbreaks, needed to be sedated."

Disrespectful jerk tells me to " Get The Fuck Out" God I need to stop thinking about him. I'm better off not thinking about him because I couldn't let him get inside my head. Why the hell was he getting into my head in the first place? I contemplated this, as I tapped my pen on the side of my desk. My feelings toward Harry were weird and much different. I am not sure how I would describe them because he gave me this feeling I can't explain. Shake him out of your head for god's sake Annabelle I scolded myself.

I rubbed my temples and tried to calm myself down. Today was by far the most stressful day of work I have experienced. I opened my drawer and pulled out a bag of gummy bears I had stored in here. I was starved, I never got to eat because of all the things that happened today. Once I was finished with my snack, I headed to the worker bathroom.

I wasn't feeling all too well. I got into one of the stalls and just my luck, my period had started. No wonder I was so pissy and emotional today. I blame mother nature. This is all too great I thought quietly to myself. The lights turned off and I heard footsteps walking around. I shoved my teeth into my bottom lip, chewing on it nervously like a freak. Oh god this is the end of you Annabelle.

Oh god. I tried opening the stall but it was locked. " Let me out!" I screamed, pounding on the door. The bathroom was pitch black and I couldn't see anything at all. Suddenly, I heard the stall door jolt open and two hands grabbed me. " Let me go!" I screamed and kicked at the body in hopes of escaping. I felt a strong needle inject into my arm and I blacked out.

" Annabelle? Annabelle, can you hear me?!" I heard a familiar voice call out to me. I slowly opened my eyes to reveal Niall looking down at me. Where on earth am I? I took a look around and found myself laying on the bathroom floor. " What happened?!" Niall frantically asked me and I slowly sat up. The guy, he did this to me but I don't know who he is.

" I don't know. Someone came in here and turned off the lights. Then they injected me with something and here I am," I said groaning at the pain in my arm. Niall's eyes were focused on something else. He grabbed the piece of paper that was lying next to me and opened it up. I watched his expression change as he read it and then he handed it to me.

" Don't mess with us"

Was what the note read. I can beli- wait us?! There's more than one person?! And what did they mean don't mess with us?! Oh my god what if they were talking about how I had Harry sedated. Could Harry be in on it with someone else? Stop Annabelle! You can't accuse him like this. I didn't know what to think anymore. I let a few tears slip out because I was so torn. There were so many possibilities and my mind kept accusing Harry now but my heart was telling me it wasn't him.

" Here lets you get you up," Niall spoke quietly and helped me up. " You okay?" I nodded but there was no way I was actually okay. I didn't know what to think anymore. I'm so tired and this is only the beginning. " We have to report this to Stalin immediately," Niall said and I nodded. I remembered the note from before. " And this one too," I spoke pulling it out of my pocket. It was in horrible condition because Harry crumpled it, when he threw it back at me.

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