Chapter 15

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I set my things on the chair and when I looked up, I let out a scream. The keys fell out of my hand and I stood there frozen in shock at what was before me. Moments later, Niall came running back in. He must have heard me scream. " What's the matter?!" He said, his words rushed and panicky. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. Once he followed my gaze, he didn't need an answer anymore. His eyes went wide at the sight in front of us. " Annabelle, w-who did this?" He asked.

We were looking at the picture of me hung up above my desk because right there was a knife right through the center of my head. Someone is out to kill me. " I don't know!" I spoke, freaking out at this point. " Niall, I'm scared" The tears started streaming down my face and Niall brought me in for a hug. " Don't cry, Annabelle. I wont let anyone hurt you." He said, soothing me and I cried onto his work uniform. After a few more minutes, my crying fit was over and I looked at his now tear stained uniform. " I'm sorry, I got tears all over your shirt," I said to him and he gave me a small smile. " Who cares about the shirt," Niall said. " We have to go tell Ms. Stalin. Come with me."

I nodded and followed him out the door. We head over to Ms. Stalin's office and he knocked on the door. We heard a faint " Come in" and with that, walked into her office. She smiled, as we entered the room. " Annabelle, Niall, what can I do for you?" She asked with a smile but it soon faltered, when she noticed our expressions. Stalin stood up immediately. " What's the matter?" She asked us. " There's a killer in this building!" Niall answered for me. " What?!" Ms. Stalin asked surprised, holding her hand over her heart.

" Come with us, please," I said to her and she nodded, quickly following us back to my office. Once we got there, she looked around and stopped dead in her tracks, when she saw what the problem was. " Annabelle, who did this?!" She asked and I shook my head. "  I don't know" Now workers were starting to wonder what the whole commotion was about. However, Ms. Stalin shooed them out of the room, before any of them could see what is the problem.

She closed the door and locked it. " Have a seat, please," She spoke and Niall and I nodded, doing as we were told. I fidgeted with my fingers and bit down on my lips nervously. Who could possibly want to kill me? " No one can know about this," Ms. Stalin spoke and Niall exchanged confused glances with me. " What do you mean? Everyone should know, we need to stop who ever this person is," Niall demanded. " Please, calm down Niall," Stalin spoke. " No on can know about this because it will cause a lot of commotion. This whole institution could be shut down if there are rumors of a killer going around. Also, this will freak out a patient and plus, we don't know if this is for real or not. Someone could be playing a joke on Annabelle,"

What kind of person would play a sick twisted joke like this one?  I didn't think this was a joke at all. " But Ms. Stalin, I'm scared for my life. What if there is really a killer after me?" I asked her and she sighed. " Don't worry, Annabelle. I will raise the security. We will find this killer  if there is one but we have to keep it on the down low. "

Niall and I looked back at each other, before hesitantly nodding. This was the wrong way to go. Not only is my life endangered but so could the lives of possibly everyone in this building. However, what if this killer is after me specifically? That could be a high possibility and that scared me deeply. I didn't deserve this, I don't have any enemies. I've never upset anyone in this building...have I? I don't think I did. 

" This is going to take time to figure out," Ms. Stalin said. " We have to be patient"

Niall shook his head. " Ms. Stalin this is serious. We can't just sit around and do nothing! It's a killer for god's sake, we have to act fast!" In my opinion, Niall was most certainly right. A killer is no joke and who knows when that person could strike. " You two have to work with me," Ms. Stalin replied. " Please just let this stay between us. I assure you we will get to the bottom of this"

After a bit, we finally agreed to what she was saying but I thought this was all wrong. Ms. Stalin left the room shortly, leaving me and Niall to think for ourselves. " Niall, what do you think about this?" I asked him and he sighed. " She isn't doing what's right, Annabelle. She's putting you in danger and may others to," I nodded, agreeing with him. " Who do you think it could be?" I asked Niall and he shrugged, sighing loudly.

" You never know what to expect," Niall said and I nodded. That was true, people could always surprise you. I thought about this for a little bit. Think Annabelle, who could do such a thing?

Then it hit me. It had to be that guy Carson. He was a killer after why not?

" Niall, do you think it could be Carson?" I asked him and he thought it over. " There's a good chance of it being him," He answered. " The problem is how did anyone get into your office and if it was him, how did he escape his room?"

He had a good point. How did the person get into my office? And if it is Carson, that means he escaped his room. If he could just walk out of his room freely then we were in some deep trouble. The phone rang and it startled me for a bit. I walked over and with shaky hands, answered it. " Hello?" My voice failing me. " Okay. I agree"

With that, I hung up. " That was Ms. Stalin," I spoke. " She's letting Leah and Jenny in on the secret too. She thinks us four could figure out" A part of me was kind of relieved because with the help of Niall, Leah, and Jenny, my co workers, we could possibly figure this out. " That's good," Niall said. " We have to figure out who it is"

" Right," I answered him. 

" We have to find this person before they find us"

and kill you Annabelle...

Mental ~ H.SNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ