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  Crippled Hearts



"So you and Derek are going out tonight, huh?" Denise questions me as I walk through my front door clutching the phone to my ear.

          "Yep. We're celebrating our anniversary." I smile and thought of him. We've been together five months and he asked me out to dinner tonight to celebrate. I'm coming home early to get ready in time.

          She sighs and says, "He's just so sweet. I mean weren't you complaining how he was distancing himself from you lately? This is probably the reason! He's been planning your anniversary!" She lets out a highpitched niose excitedly.

          I laugh and head to my bedroom. I lay down on my bed and talk to Des for a few more minutes before telling her goodbye. I walk into my closet and think about what I'm going to wear tonight. Hm.. Maybe that black dress he bought me for my birthday 2 months ago?

          I start to take it off the hanger when I hear a loud bang from my sisters room. I pause and listen, she isn't supposed to be home until four and my parents aren't coming home until eight... Oh my God someones in the house! I grab the nearest thing next to me... Which happen to be a five inch heel and slowly move toward my sister's room. I open the door and hold up the sharp end of the shoe and...

          "Derek? Jenny? What the hell?!?" No. No, I refuse to believe...

          "Omg Clare, I can explain." My sister stutters as she tries to think of something to say.

          "Baby, it's not what it looks like!" Derek looks around frantically for his jeans while trying to cover himself with a pillow.

          "What it looks like is you fucking my sister. Is this why you've been cancelling all the time on me? Who am I kidding of course it is. You little bastard! My own sister! I would say go fuck yourself but it looks like my sister already has that covered. We're done, I'm done. With both of you. Have a nice life." I scream every word at them while they just sit there shocked. I'm not the type of person to scream. I'm not the type of person to curse. I'm not that type of person at all. I'm the quite type. The walk all over me and I won't even say a word type. I guess I'm done being that girl now. I walk calmly out of Jenny's room and grab my keys and purse. I walk calmy to my car. I calmy get in. Then I slammed my foot on the gas like the Devil himself were chasing me, not caring where I was going as long as it was away.






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