Chapter Four

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Crippled Hearts

Chapter Four


"Oh, my God, just freaking pick something already!" I'm laying on my bed with a pillow covering my head, trying to block out the sound of Denise yelling at me about how shitty my wardrobe is.

          "Well, I could, if I had something to actually work with! I mean, come on, the only clothes in your closet are band t-shirts and ripped jeans! Not a single skirt or dress shirt!" She picks up a discarded black over-sized hoodie on the floor with her forefinger and thumb and looks at it with distaste. She throws it aside and shudders, "Ok, good thing I brought some of my clothes... Just incase." She skips over to the bed and proceeds to push me off.

          "Hey! What the hell!" I scream, but don't get up. Hey, that crap takes up to much energy.

          "You were laying on my duffle bag." she says as if it's an excuse for shoving me off the bed.

          I snort, "So you had to knock me over just to get to it? You couldn't have... Oh, I don't know, asked me to roll over or something?" I ask with fake patience in my voice.

          "And would you have moved?" She raises an eyebrow at me. I look down with fake guilt trying to hide a smile. "Exactly."

          "Why can't I just wear jeans? I mean, it's just a barbeque, so why can't I wear jeans?" I complain.

          "Um.... Well... Here's the thing, it's not exactly a barbeque... It's a dinner party. It's required that you wear a dress." She snatches up a pillow and ducks behind it. "Don't kill me!" She pleads.

          I slowly get up from my spot on the floor and advance towards her. "What? He said it was a casual freaking barbecue! I am not going to crash his parents dinner party!" I grab the pillow from Denise and hug it to my chest. "Well. Looks like I'm not going after all. What a shame, I was so looking forward to it to." I sigh dramatically in fake disappointment. "Oh, well." I jump off the floor and plop on top of my bed.

          "You are going! I don't care if I have to drag you by your fucking teeth. You're going! I mean for the love of god, you're his m-" She slaps her hand over her mouth and looks at me with wide eyes.

          I look at her and narrow my eyes. "Denise... I have a very serious question to ask you. And you have to be completely honest with me. Ok?" She nods her head, but still has her hand covering her mouth. I take a deep breath, "Are on crack?"

          I look at her as seriously as I could and she starts to laugh. Tears from laughing so hard are streaking her face as she says, "You caught me."

          I look at her with fake hurt, "And you didn't share?"

          "Sorry, babe. Here, I'll make it up to you. I brought the perfect dress." She unzips her duffle bag and pulls out a red and black dress with black accents that's ends just above the knee. My jaw drops and I stare at it. "I knew you'd like it." Denise grins and hands me the dress to try on.

          I take the dress slowly from her. "Wow." I  strip and try on the dress. It fits perfectly and she hands me some shoes to try on with it. "Ok, there's matching shoes to?" I bite my lip, "Ok, maybe I will go... But just because of this awesome dress that I would actually wear in public. I mean most of the time what you pick out for me is absolutely hideous, but this is actually pretty cool. Thanks Denny."

          "Yeah... About that... I uh.... Didn't exactly buy that dress for you." She looks away sheepishly.

          "Oh my crapsickles, you stole the dress." I throw my arms around her and cry out, "I'm so proud!"

          "No, you weirdo, I didn't steal the dress! Jace bought you the dress, shoes, and necklace!"

          "Wait he- What? Care to repeat that?" I step away from her and drop my arms.

          "He bought you a outfit to wear. And you actually like it." She starts to grin like a Cheshire cat.

          "You told him what to buy didn't you? And why the hell did he buy me a dress? And why in hell did you give him my size? And-" I start, but Denise puts her hands over my mouth to shush me.

          "I did not tell him what to buy, he bought you the dress because I mentioned you probably wouldn't have one, and no; I didn't even know he was buying you a dress until he had already bought it and gave it to you." She states and I go to speak, but it comes out muffled from behind her hands. I stick my tongue out and lick her; she jumps back and wipes her hand on her pants. "Ok, ewww."

          "You know if you put anything in front of my mouth I'm gonna lick it. Your fault." I pause. "Ok, not like that!"

          "That's what she said!" Denise screams and I cringe. "Ok, time to do hair and makeup!"

          "No! No way in hell am I letting you near my face again!" I back away from her with my hands up.

          "Oh, come on! That was one time!" She stomps her foot-Yes she actually stomped her foot-and crosses her arms.

          "Uh, try ten times and the last one wouldn't wash off for days. I had to go to work lookin' like a clown!"

          "It wasn't that bad!" She defends herself.

          I take out my phone and scroll through my photos until I find the one of me when she did my makeup. I turn the phone so she can see it and she cringes.

          "Ok, so maybe it wasn't the best makeup job ever..." She trails off. "Ok, fine it was terrible!"

          "Yes. Yes it was." I laugh and put my phone away. "I'm just going to put up my hair in a twist and do a little eyeliner."

          Denise sighs and looks defeated. "Fine." She perks up and grins wildly, "Jace is going to drop dead when he sees you in that dress."

Crippled Heartsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें