Chapter Five

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Crippled Hearts

Chapter Five


"Holy. Fucking. Shit. Bitch! You look hot. Drool worthy. If you weren't with my brother I would totally do you." Denise walked in a circle around me, inspecting every inch of the dress.

"You are so weird. But thanks you aren't so bad yourself." I winked at her and smiled. She looked at me in mild surprise before we both fell to the floor laughing hysterically. 

"What's so funny?" I heard a voice say in amusement. Wait.... Why is he in my house?

"Why are you in my house? Wait, how do you know my address? Didn't I lock the door? What the crap?" I accused him. I got up from the floor, turned toward him, and froze. Holy crap on a cracker he looks good....

"Why thank you. You look beautiful too by the way. The dress fits you perfectly."

Jace was staring at my body taking in every curve the dress put on display. His eyes filled with lust and he stepped toward me bringing his lips to mine in a brief kiss. Tingles started to travel through his lips onto mine and I grabbed his arms trying to keep from falling.

He attempted to deepen the kiss, but Denise took his shoulder and yanked him away. "No raping my friend while I'm in the room! Oh my poor virgin eyes!" Denise cried dramatically.

I rolled my eyes and snorted. "Virgin?" I ask, sarcasm dripping of tongue.

"Oh, shut up. I could be a virgin if I wanted to!" Denise fake sobbed while I laughed.

"You do realize once the cherry has been popped you can't unpop it, right?" Jace asked, as if speaking to a five year old.

"What?! Why didn't you tell me this sooner? My entire life has been a lie!" Denise's face looked so hurt I couldn't take it anymore, I was laughing so hard tears were coming out of the corners of my eyes.

"So, who's ready to go?" Denise asked. She walked out of the room.

I remember where we are going and slap Jace across the arm in frustration. "You never told me it was a dinner party!"

He held his hands up in surrender. "I'm sorry, at first it was just a barbeque,  but then my mother found out you were coming as my date, and well.. she sort of got carried away."

I narrowed my eyes and searched his face for any sort of lie. I gave up when I couldn't find one his face showing only honesty. "Fine. I'll go to the stupid dinner party. Next time just take me to McDonald's, or to see a movie, or whatever. This is going to be awkward."

"So there's going to be a next time?" His voice leaked excitement.

I cursed silently, "I never said that."

His lips formed into a smirk. "Looks like I'll just have to change your mind then." He backed me up against the wall and his lips crashed onto mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2015 ⏰

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