Chapter Three

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Crippled Hearts

Chapter Three

I backed away from him and put up my hands to stop him when he moved to get closer. " NO, ok you just, stay there. Yep, right there. Ok that... the..."

          "The kiss." He states, slightly smiling.

          "Yes. That, that can't happen again. I didn't mean to... do that and um..." I close my eyes and take a deep breath in.

          "Why? Why does this..." I open my eyes and find him in front of me. Right in front of me. He presses his lips against the right side of my jaw lightly, "Never have to happen, " He moves over to the left side and presses his lips there just as lightly. "Again?" Then his lips are on mine and it's like my body is set on fire. He's burning me, but not in pain. The fire spreads all over me making my mind go blank, all I can think about is his lips on mine, his hand on my back, my hands on his chest. He pulls his head back, both of us breathing deeply. "So, why couldn't this happen again?" He asks me.

          I shake my head and laugh. "Yeah, this. I need to go, but it was.... nice meeting you. So yeah..."

          He sighs and says, "Fine."

          "Really?" I say dissapiontedly, but cover it up by clearing my throat and saing happily, "Ok. Well it was... nice meeting you. So, bye."

          "You can go." He steps back, but when I tried to walk past him his arm shot out to stop me. "If you go on a date with me." He grins looking cocky like he already knows my answer.

          I sigh and say, "Look, I just got out of a really... messed up relationship. I'm sorry, I can't."

          He drops his smile and looks at me pleadingly. "One date. One date, then I'll leave you alone I swear."

          He gives me the puppy dog eyes and I melt, in more than one way. "Ok, fine." He cheers and smiles at me. A full, real smile this time not a fake one "One date. That's it." I say and begin to smile, but cover it up.

          "You won't regret this. I promise." He leans in closer and my breath catches. He's going to kiss me I faintly think. He's taking forever, and all I want is to feel his pressed up against me, our tongues battling for dominance. I make a noise os inpatiance and smash my lips against his. He stands stil for a second shocked, but begins to kiss me back hard.

          I faintly hear something ringing, but I write it off as nothing. Eventually it stops only to start back up again. Jace growls in frustration and his hand reaches into his pocket to answer his phone. He picks it up and yells, "What?" I look int his eyes and gasp from shock. They're completly black. His green eyes have darkened and taken on a look of lust which vanishes when he heard wh was talking. "Oh, hey, I can't talk right now." He looks at me then down almost looking guilty. "Sorry mom, yeah I'll be over tomorrow." His face reddens as I smile and and let out a soft 'awww'. "I hear a voice on the other side of the line that say, 'Is that a girl I hear? Wait no. It can't be. I'm imagining things' "Mom! How is that so hard to believe!" By now I'm ouright laughing. "look, Mah, I gotta go now. I'l see you tomorrow." He disconnnects his call. "Ok, you can stop laughing now. It's not that funny." I pick up my shirt and put it on.

         "No, no it's not. It's actually kinda cute." I coo at him and his face flushes red. "Awe! You're blushing!"

          "Laugh all you want. But you're the one who gets to meet her tomorrow."

         I stop laughing and look at him wierdly. "Say what?"

          "Yep. You aggreed to go on a date with me. My parents are having a barbacue tomorrow. I want you to come." He lifts up his hand to carress my cheek.

          I've never met anyone's parents before. Well, I mean I've met frineds parents, obviously, but not anyone I've ever dated. And he wants me to meet them on our first date.

          "First date? So that means we'll have a second?" He grins victoriously at me.

          I slap my forehead with the heel of my palm. "Crap. I said that out loud didn't I?" He nods looking amused. "Great. I have to stop doing that."

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