Chapter Two

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                                                         Crippled Hearts

                                                              Chapter Two

It was now dinner time and my stomach still churns at the smell of food. The affects of my hangover have gotten better but were still there a little bit. I've been hanging out with Denise and the boys all afternoon. Henry, Adrian, Jack-who I call Jay, and Austin were the ones we hung out with, the rest of the boys went to their rooms. I think it's weird they all live together but, whatever. I'm in the kitchen watching the boys cook dinner. I offered to help but, Denise almost bit my head off saying it was there job and it would be fun to watch. Yeah she's kind of sadistic sometimes.

          I watch Jack stirring something in a pot on the stove and hop on the counter next to him. "So what are you making again?" I ask Jack and scrunch up my nose when he flicks some soup on my face. "Thanks I wanted crap on me." I say sarcasticalls flicking some on him back.

          He laughs and wipes it off his shirt, "Soup-"

           "Which probably tastes like shit." Henry cuts in and winks at me. He's the most flirty one in the group.

           "Aw, I'm sure it doesn't taste that bad." I take the spoon Jack was stirring the soup with, put some into the spoon, and taste it only to be assaulted by the most vile taste I could ever imagine. I swollow loudly trying my best not to choke on it. "Um...."*Cough*, "That was..."

          "Do you like it?" Jack just looks so excited as he says that. Like a little puppy.

          "It's.... Interesting alright." I say and he bursts out laughing. "What?"

           "Oh Clair-Bear, I know it tastes bad, I just wanted you to try it." His face begins to turn red with laughing so hard.

          I mock gasp and take a handful of the soup and fling it at him. "You jerk!" I say while laughing.

          "Hey! This is my favorite shirt!" He picks up a sack of flour and dumps it on me.

          Oh no he didn't. "Oh it's on." We start an all out food war as the other guys and Denise start to join.


We all colapse onto the floor and let out a huge sigh feeling exausted. I look over myself and groan, I have food everywhere. And when I say everywhere, I mean everywhere. Yeah, having food shoved down your pants and bra isn't very pleasant.

          "So," Austin gasps for a breath of air before beginning his sentence again, "So, what do you want to do know?"

          "Hopefully clean the kitchen." I look up from my spot on the floor and see a man standing in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. The boys and Denny tense up for a moment before jumping up.

          Austin steps forward and bows his head, "Sorry, It's my fault Alpha. We were just messing around and.... It got out of hand..."

          I stand up and everyone snaps there heads toward me with wide eyes. I run my hand through my hair nervously, while still watching the man in the doorway. He's tall with broad shoulders, black hair to his chin, and warm brown eyes. Eyes that I get lost in and can't look way from... He looks at me and pauses, he seems conflicted, almost confused. He steps toward me and I know I should step back, he's so close, but I don't feel threatened, I feel safe. Him being here, near me feels.... Right.

          He gets closer and I put a hand up to stop him, but just as my hand touches his chest a shock runs hrough my arm straight to my chest I shiver. He raises his hand and his fingertips brush along the back of my hand. I close my eyes and lean into his touch. I suck in a gust of breathe when I feel his other hand running along my jawline. I slit my eyes open and watch as his lips get closer to mine and I can almost feel them press against mine-

          "Whoa, what the hell?" Someone came crashing through the the door and I jump back startled.

          The man clears his throat and stands up straight looking over his shoulder when suddenly everyone clears the room quickly, when I blink they're gone. The man turns to looks at me again but, all I do is stare at the floor contemplating leaving. He reaches out and gently pulls me to him. The jolt that comes with his touch ignites again and I look up getting lost in his eyes. "What's your name?" His voice is husky and it takes me a minute to reply.

          "C-Claire." I finally manage to get out. I bite my lip to keep from moaning when his arms wrap around me tightly. His touch, his feel.... He's driving me crazy. "Who are you?" I whisper now staring at his lips wanted to feel them on mine.

          He keeps one hand around me waist but, places one on the back of my head running it softly along my back first."My name is Jace." He says right before he smashes his lips on mine. I widen my eyes and stand still for a few seconds before reacting. I close my eyes and move my lips in sync with his. I wind my arms around his neck and grab his hair tugging it tightly. He moans and runs his tongue along my botton my lip and I hesitate before I part my lips. He moans as his tongue comes in contact with mine and pulls me tighter against his chest taking his hand from behind my neck, putting it around my waist to keep me in place. I break away gasping for breath. Jace leans his forehead against mine and laughs shakily.

          I lick my lips and shiver, I can taste him on my lips. I open my eyes and find him looking at me transfixed. "I... Um..." Wow. I really am a slut.

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