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I grab my bag from the side of the room. The radio from on the other side of the room is starting its "broadway hour".

"Ugg", I mumble," I hate broadway." I switch the radio over to the best Hip-Hop station. I grab as many things as I can fit into my backpack. After it's full, I zip it up and swing it up on my shoulder. I leave the radio to convince my foster parents that I'm upstairs. 

I hate this place. I was perfectly fine on the streets, and I will be from now on.

I pull the door shut from behind me. As I walk away, I try to decide where my first stop will be around this city. I decide to go to broadway, a lot of tourists will be there. The perfect cover for pickpocketing. 

As a arrive at the famous street, I look for the perfect person to pickpocket. The best candidate is a young man. He's kinda short and has long hair. His wallet is hanging halfway out of his back pocket, and his iPhone is in between is two hands. 

I slowly creep a few feet behind him. We walk a few blocks in one direction until I start running. As I sweep behind him I grab the wallet out of his pocket, and the phone out of his hand. 

"HEY!" he screamed in my direction. He runs behind me, but I'm faster. As I'm running I glance at his phone. Twitter is open, what a dweeb, I think. 

As I'm looking at the phone screen, I fail to see a young boy playing with toy trucks at a front stoop. I step on one op them and go flying. 

I land on my back and blackout.

Adopted by Lin-Manuel Miranda, THAT ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE.Where stories live. Discover now