chapter ten

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"Hello, is this Phil Lester?"

"No, he's unavailable right now. Can I take a message?" Dan spoke down the phone, his voice hushed as he sat on the bed beside his sleeping boyfriend.

"I'm sorry, this is confidential information."

"I'm his boyfriend, Dan Howell."

"Oh yes, you're listed as his emergency contact."

"Who am I speaking to exactly?"

"I'm Detective Wade, I'd like to speak to Mr Lester about the situation last night."

"He's asleep right now, would you like him to come down to the station?" Dan asked, brushing his fingers gently across Phil's fringe.

"Yes please, can you ask him to come down to the station as soon as possible. We need to collect a witness statement and we have some information on the case."

"Okay thank you."

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