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Authors note:
Hey everyone! Just a little rant before you start reading; this is a story that's written by us aka wewriters (Amima & Humna). We have been bffs since like...forever? ;) And we had this amazing idea of writing a special novel together and have decided to publish it here on Wattpad. This novel is not yet completed but we'll be sure to post a chapter or two every week.
P.S. We are not professionals, so as expected this book has a few grammatical errors and mistakes (they'll be edited and rewritten once it's over) and constructive criticism will be appreciated :)
The story will get better and better with each chapter! So without further due please start reading and a HAPPY NEW YEAR to all!



It was a still August night with a slight cold nip in the air. In this abandoned part of the city, the environment had an eerie vibe to it with complete silence, broken only by an occasional distant bark of a stray dog. Darkness surrounded everything.

The only thing out of the ordinary was a lean male figure sitting casually on one of the rooftops. He looked down into the dark street and glanced at his watch. It was 2:28 a.m.

"Any minute now" he said to himself.
He leisurely tapped his foot as he hummed a tune. After a few moments he heard a distant buzz of a vehicle. He shifted his body to look clearly in the street below and saw a black limo approaching. Opening his rucksack, he pulled out a sniper rifle. Being as agile as an olympic gymnast, he swiftly set up his equipment and waited for his target to step out of the limo. For him it was just like another day in the office, except his office was a rooftop overlooking his target. And his equipment was a rifle instead of computer or files.

The door of the limo opened and out stepped a man. The target. The man on the roof shifted into position, looking through the scope. His blunt hands were steady as he lifted the rifle and curled his fingers around the trigger. He waited for the right moment and then........ a THUD as he pulled the trigger. The lifeless body fell like a log, a few meters away from the limo.
He put his rifle back into the rucksack and blended into the shadows. Darkness provided the best camouflage.

He took his phone out of his jeans' pocket, dialed a number and said,
''Mission accomplished."

"Good job, Djinn,"said the voice on the other side of the line.

Well now that you've read the prologue of our first ever story, we'd love to receive your feedback? Did you like it? Love it? Hate it? Want to read more?

If you want to read more (which we hope you do), you'll be happy to know that the first chapter will be posted tomorrow on New Years Day! Yay!

Wishing you a very Happy New Year Eve and we'll see you tomorrow!

Yours truly,

Hate and Harmony (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now