Chapter Five

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A/N: Omg! Guys we are sooo sooo sooo very sorry for the late update. It has been such a tough week for both of us at college. We were actually very busy in preparation of a festival that we hadn't got the time to update our story. But we are back now! Thank God! And thank you for being the best readers on wattpad. Lots of love ❤️



"Aliya, can you just sit here with me for a moment?" Gul asked me again for the hundredth time.

I sighed heavily and said, "As soon as I do the dishes, cook dinner and iron all those clothes, then yes, I'll sit and talk to you."

"Can't you just ask mom to give you a break already? You've been working around like Cinderella ever since you got home from school. And it's been making me feel like the ugly stepsister."

"Yeah, tell me about it. All I need is a room in the attic to complete my miserable life." I teased her.

"Oh would you let me borrow your glass slippers?"

"Yes as long as you keep Prince-Boring-Charming away from me." We both burst out laughing.

"Okay, I've got to go and do all my chores." I groaned.

"Yeah okay. May God protect us all from my mom's foul moods," Gul said in a grave voice.

I giggled and quickly got to work.


"Finally," I exhaled out, leaning against the kitchen counter, catching my breath. I sighed and thought that my life was really like Cinderella's. I looked down at my hands all callused from washing the dishes for hours staright and my now empty wrist. It had been a great day, I thought to myself sarcastically. First, I lost my bracelet, then that whole violin guy moments, not to mention that awkward music class situation and topping it all off with extreme chores for today. My aunt had invited a couple of guests today for celebration of her 30th wedding anniversary. I stayed in the kitchen doing my favorite hobby, cooking and baking while Gul and her parents attended to the guests. Gul had tried to take me out of the kitchen to meet the guests but I preferred baking the cake for an hour rather than socializing with people.

I stared outside the window, the moon rays were glittering on the glass, giving the cold kitchen a comforting feeling, My aunt and uncle were already asleep. I went upstairs to see if Gul was still awake. I went into the room and saw that she was also sleeping soundly on her bed with no nightmares to haunt her like mine usually did. I went towards my bed on the other side of the room, near the huge window. And with the moon's light reflecting down on me, I quickly fell asleep, dreaming about the familiar rhythmic song.

I woke up next morning and after making my bed, woke Gul up for college. And after fifteen minutes we both went downstairs.

"Hurry up Gul," I said.

"I'll just go and grab my sweater, you go ahead and hold the bus for a minute. I'll catch up," she rushed upstairs.

I stepped outside into the autumn September air. It was a new season and a perfect opportunity to do something new, bold and beautiful. So, I was wearing my knitted orange sweater with black jeans and my favorite fuzzy boots. It was my favorite season, I loved how the green leaves changed to warm colors and the way they slowly danced in the air before falling to the ground. The sound of them crunching under my shoes was music to my ears. I reached the bus stop and Gul rushed up to me just in time and we both got on the bus.

"What's the occasion?" I asked pointing towards her extra cute sweater.

"No, nothing special. Just a normal day," she replied sheepishly.

"You can't fool me Gul. I have known you for six years. C'mon tell me"

"I told you Aliya. It's nothing."

"Pleaseee," I said pouting my lips.

"No, not that look please," she said, blushing pink.

"Okay, who is he?" I said knowing perfectly well what was the reason that would have made her blush.

"He? Who? What?" She babbled giving me a nervous laugh.

"Ah Ha! I knew it!"

"Knew what?"

"Oh come on Gul! Did you really think I wouldn't notice you making extra effort to look cute today." I grinned evily at her.

"Okay! Fine! You got me," she paused before blushing again, "There's this new boy in my class. His name is Bilal. We talked a bit and he asked me to help him with this assignment. And he's kinda cute, no scratch that, he's very cute. And today we'll be having a study session together in the library."

"Oh yeah! 'A study session'," I quoted the words study session with my fingers.

"Don't get any ideas! It's just a study session at the library, helping him out. Nothing more and nothing less," she said firmly.

I narrowed my eyes and said, "We'll see about that."

"Anyway, so about that violin guy...," she said quickly changing the subject, "How are we gonna find him?"

Oh that violin guy. Ever since yesterday that tune has been stuck in my head. I'll be honest, after hearing his music that day, I might hate him a little bit less now. But the most important thing right now is to find him and get my bracelet back.

"I don't know Gul...that's why I am taking his hoodie to school today. Maybe someone will recognize it."


Thanks for reading!😘

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