Chapter Two

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"HEY YOU! STOP!", I yelled.
"HEY! THAT'S MY-", but the bell rang and I was cut off by a swarm of students blocking my way and that bastard got lost in the crowd. Ugh! I couldn't even see his face that he was hiding under his hood. Shoving all my stuff in my bag, I stormed off towards the office, cursing him under my breath.

I didn't know if I was more worried or angry. First I broke the strap of my bag on the first day, and not just any bag but the very bag that I got from Gul as a birthday present this year. And then, he has my poor precious bracelet. I have to find that guy somehow. That bracelet is not something I want to lose!

I saw Gul standing in front of the office, chatting with her friends. She approached me when she saw me coming and said,
"Wow! We haven't even started our first class yet and you already look like you're gonna murder someone."

"Oh Gul! You won't believe what happened! This rude as hell guy just bumped into me and he didn't even say sorry for it and not even a thanks when I was picking up his books, and then when he was walking away I realized that my bracelet was stuck onto the zipper of his guitar case, and I tried to call him but he got lost in the crowd, and I couldn't even see his face because he had his hood on like he was in flippin' Assassin's Creed or something and UGH! Gul he has my bracelet now and you know I can't lose that bracelet but I can't find him-" I babbled on and on, but I was careful not to mention the fact that I tore her bag. Well it wasn't my fault in the first place and maybe when I am done killing that guitar guy, Gul can finish off his burial.

"Hold up! Calm down Liya. Take a deep breath. Is it that bracelet with blue crescents that you never let anyone touch?", she asked, her eyebrows raised.

"YES! My precious bracelet!", I exclaimed, breathless.

"Oh my gosh. Rest in peace, Rude Guitar Guy!", she said in a funeral-like tone with a hand on her chest and her eyes closed.

"Gul! Will you stop being overdramatic! I am so worried!"

"Okay! Okay!", she chuckled playfully. "Hmm, let's see, is there anything you remember about him that could help us find him?"

"Well, I don't know.....", I trailed off.

She hugged me and said,
"I am sorry, I gotta go. And you don't worry, think about it when you have calmed down a bit. I am sure something will come to you", and walked off towards her class.

I stood there for a while and now that I think about it, I do vaguely remember a weird signature at the back of his hoodie.

I broke out of my trance and realized that the bell had rung and I still hadn't collected my schedule. I rushed towards the office, praying I don't get late for my first class and the day won't get any worse, but sadly I was mistaken.


As soon as I had collected my schedule from the office, I immediately went through it. The only thing new in it was a music class. Gul had persuaded me into taking it saying, and I quote "You need some fun in your life! And something to make you take your head out of your Chemistry book for once! Besides you are such a fast learner, I am sure you'll do great!". I tried to argue but in the end, I had to surrender because I loved Gul way too much to say no to her, and the pouty face wasn't helping either.

Putting my schedule in my bag, I went off towards my class.


Several hours later, the bell rang indicating the end of the fourth period and I came out of my English class. Ayesha, one of my good friends, wished me luck for my Music class. I thanked her, though luck was hardly in my favour today.

As I made my way towards the Music class, I suddenly felt so nervous. I didn't know what to expect. All the friends in my circle were interested in Sciences, just like me. So I really had no idea what Music class was gonna be like or what I was gonna do. It wouldn't be that hard to play an instrument right? I mean I know a few things about music, like what's the difference between a piano and a drum. So, at least I won't end up banging the piano with drum sticks. 'You can do this, Liya', I told myself and took a deep breath.

Hesitantly, I entered the class and looked around taking in my surroundings. The class wasn't much different from my other classes. Except the students here were a lot more 'cool' than my Science-loving group of friends. They were all chatting happily. The teacher, Mr. Alex, who looked like he was in his early 30s, gave me a warm smile when I told him my name and told me to take a seat.

After about ten minutes, when all the students had settled down, Mr. Alex addressed the class, "Well everyone, before we begin our class I'd like to introduce you all to your new classmate", he said gesturing towards me with a smile. "Aliya Shah, please introduce yourself."

I got up from my seat and walked towards the front of the class suddenly feeling very conscious of my Ariana Grande style ponytail. But I raised my head a bit higher and beamed at everyone trying to hide my nervousness. "Hello everyone! My name is Aliya Shah and I'm really happy to join your class from today."

...More liked forced to.

"I don't know much about Music so let's just hope I survived this semester", I said laughing nervously, glad that I didn't stutter for the first time.

"Don't worry! We'll turn you into a rockstar by the end of this semester!", Mr. Alex said a bit too enthusiastically.

"Um, Thank you."

"And thank you, Aliya for joining our class. You can take a seat now."

I went back to my seat and looked around trying to get comfortable in the new environment. Scanning the room, my gaze landed on a guy who had just entered the class and was talking to Mr. Alex.

I found myself staring at him which was a weird thing even for me, me who never looked twice at anyone before! Call me a nerd but I never had the time or the interest for these strange things called humans. My best friend Gul had already admitted that I was practically married to chemistry. And to be honest I had seen enough drama serials to know how boring relationships really are, thank you very much.

But that guy was admittedly good looking. Very good looking. Tall and well built for a teenager with tousled ash brown hair framing his unique attractive face. He was dressed simply than the rest of us but carried an aura of being posh.
But what caught my attention was his face; aside from being attractive something about his expression wasn't right; it was dark, gloomy and somber which could make anyone, even a popular arrogant girl, to think twice before getting enough confidence to talk to him. So as good looking as he was, he was clearly not approachable.

After he was done talking to Mr. Alex, he looked around and caught me staring at him like an idiot. I blushed and dropped my gaze, embarrassed. From the corner of my eye, I saw him walking towards me. Before I could comprehend what was happening, he came and took a seat beside me.


Hey guys!!! We are sorry for the cliff hanger (It was Amima's idea) ;). But the next chapter will be updated soon! Ho ho ho!!!

Can you wait for more of this attractive guy, because we certainly can't! Any guesses who he is? A choco chip cookie for anyone who guesses it right! ;)

Here's few a questions for our readers:

*Why do you think the bracelet is so precious to her?

*Do you think Aliya will find that mysterious guitar guy?

*Will Gul find out that Aliya broke her bag and kill that guitar guy (If Aliya doesn't kill him first)?

*Will Aliya really not end up banging the piano with drum sticks? ;)

So that was it! And we hope you like this chapter and dont forget to click the tiny vote button if you do.☆☆☆

Yours Truly,
Wewriters. <3

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