Chapter Seven

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Authors note: Well hello there readers! *HUGGIE!!!* Hope you all are doing great. So um most of you all said that the last chapter was so short. (You guys know how we love the cliffhangers) So to make up for that, this chapter is gonna be a long one. Ta da! You can now start loving us again. Thank you and happy reading y'all. ;)


"Woah! I wasn't expecting that!" Bilal remarked.
I looked around and it felt like everyone's eyes were on me. My cheek flushed with embarrassment. And these two idiots, Bilal and Gul, were trying hard to supress their laughter. Laughing at my misery Gul, Traitor!

I looked at Shahwaiz, who was clenching and unclenching his fists, and gave me a look that could melt glaciers.

"I'll just go and clean up. Excuse me," Shahwaiz said through gritted teeth and walked off with a disgusted look on his face. I followed him hurriedly, telling myself to deal with Gul later. Oh God! I could not believe that I just made a fool of myself in front of everyone. What was wrong with me? I was mentally cursing myself and my poor favorite orange juice was probably cursing me too.

I saw Shahwaiz standing in the corner trying to pat his shirt dry and rushed to him.

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I am so very sorry. It was an accident. I swear I didn't do it on purpose. Oh God! I messed up, now your shirt is ruined. I am so sorry. I'm such a klutz! Please forgive me-" I babbled on and on.

"Shush," he said looking completely annoyed, "Just give me some tissues."

"Uh yes, tissues yes, I do have. Just a sec," I said and started rummaging through my bag. Like always I knew that my tissues would be hiding under all my books, in the time of need. I took the stupid violin guy's hoodie out and handed it to Shahwaiz and said
"Can you hold this for me please," without even glancing in his direction. Now I was able to search through my bag properly. With shaky fingers I hastily started looking through the mess that was always in bag.

"Where did you get this?" Shahwaiz spoke suddenly.

"Huh?" I said and looked up confused.

"YOU!" he snarled when I met his gaze. Nothing could have prepared me for the fire I saw in his eyes. He stared at me, his coffee colored eyes scanning my so fast that I started feeling dizzy after a few seconds of trying to keep up with it.

"This belongs to me," he hissed, venom dripping from every word, "First you tried prying into my personal belongings in the music class, then you stalked me in the auditorium and now you steal my hoodie?" He growled at me.

It suddenly dawned upon me that Shahwaiz is the stupid violin guy.

"Wait a minute, so you- you are that stupid violin guy! I should have figured it out earlier. There cannot be two people in this world with such a high level of arrogancy! God cannot make the same mistake twice! First you bump into me and don't even apologize. Then you take away my bracelet without ever giving it back and then be so mean to me in the music class for no reason at all!" I fumed.

"Oh so that was your bracelet?" he inquired.

"Yes! My precious bracelet! And I want it back."

"Well I have my hoodie back and you can forget about your bloody bracelet," he smiled evily.

"Oh then you can forget about your bloody hoodie too," I said and tried to snatch the hoodie from his clutches but failed pathetically.

The bell rang and giving me a last look of disgust, Shahwaiz walked off.
That bloody piece of- I stomped my foot angrily and left the cafeteria, walking past Gul and Bilal who stood there looking all confused.

I wanted to find that that bastard but I had to get to my chemistry class first.


The chemistry class was finally over and I couldn't wait to get to my music class so I could give that good-for-nothing Shahwaiz a piece of my mind.
I entered the music class and saw him sitting in his same seat ever so casually wearing his hoodie. He saw me and then carried on scribbling away in his notebook like we did not just had a huge argument an hour ago.

The class was about to start so I hurriedly went and sat beside him. He didn't pay even an ounce of attention, like I wasn't even there right next to him! That made me even more furious. Before I could start strangling him, Mr.Alex started the lecture and I knew I could do nothing but just try and sit quietly. Because as nice as Mr.Alex was, he had only one rule, that no one talks during the lecture.

But I wasn't going down without a fight, if that's what the stupid violin guy next to me was thinking. I was going to get my bracelet back even if I had to fight through tiny paper chits!

So I took out my notebook and tore a piece of paper and wrote, "GIVE ME BACK MY BRACELET" I rolled the paper into a ball and placed it on the notebook he was scribbling on.
But he just blew it off his book like it was some waste eraser shavings.


I wrote another chit, "GIVE ME MY DAMN BRACELET BACK!" I rolled it into a ball again and thrust it into his hand lightly, being consciously aware of my fingers gently brushing against his long cold ones.

He sighed and opened the crumpled ball. His face did not give away any hint of what was going through his mind, whether he was going to give me the bracelet back or not. Then he wrote something down and passed me the chit.

I opened it up and it said, "I told you , you forget about it."

I gave a frustrated sigh and wrote another note, "You can't hide it for long. One way or another I'll have it BACK!" and I handed it to him.

He read it so coolly like he was not at all affected by my heated gaze piercing the side of his head. Then a muscle in his face twitched and he smirked. An evil smirk.

And then he handed me another note which said, "I'd like to see you try."

I was so infuriated that I could feel the smoke coming out of my ears (well, not really but you get the point). My fingers were terribly aching to touch his cheek. Not in the way you would mostly imagine. Actually it took me all of my strength not to slap him across his handsome face. I had realized that a paper fight was useless. If I really wanted to get my precious bracelet back, I'll have to confront him the other way after the class.


Hola Amigos!
Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. We personally loved writing this cute fight between our badass Shahwaiz and our steamy Aliya. We can assure you that there'll be more of this in the next chapter!

Oh oh and don't forget to give this chapter a VOTE! ☆☆☆

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