2- The Stables

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The Stables are no more than five minutes away from the castle. She still has time to get ready, she repeats to herself. Regina had woken up late. She didn't fall asleep until nearly daylight and found herself able to sleep for a few hours after that. She woke up in a haze, then her mind caught up with her. Her eyes frantically searched the sunlit room, finally focusing on the clock hanging on her wall. It was eight fifty-two. She had eight minutes to meet Robin and Roland at the stables.

Regina throws the covers back and is out of bed in an instant, rushing around her room trying to find something to wear until she comes to her senses. She has magic, she can be ready in a matter of seconds. With a flick of her wrist she's dressed in all black riding gear, complete with tall leather boots and a leather vest. She waves a hand over her hair next and it's pulled back in a perfect French braid. She's walking towards her full length mirror now to check her reflection and when she does she grimaces, realizing she forgot something. Her hand hovers over her face, using magic to expertly apply a light layer of make-up, considerably less than her usual dramatic look. Then she's off to the bathroom, picking up her tooth brush and brushing her teeth before she leaves.

"Daddy, are you sure the Queen is coming?" Roland asks, going impatient. They'd gotten here early to start with, and now Regina seems to be running a bit late.

"Yes, she'll be here. Just a few more minutes, my boy." Robin reassures, giving him a light pat on the back. Sure enough, within no more than a minute or so, she comes into sight, jogging towards them and muttering a breathless, "sorry I'm late."

Robin looks her up and down, taking in the sight of her in such attire. He's never seen her in anything other than her tight fit dresses and elaborate gowns, and well of course her nightgown last night. This is different, she looks different. She still looks bold and audacious in her all black riding gear, but with her hair pulled back and her face looking so innocent and natural, she seems to look younger, prettier if that is even possible.

"It's quite alright, Milady." Robin replies, giving her a nod of reassurance. She then crouches down to Roland's level and offers him a kind smile. Her voice raises to one of a much happier, lighter tone as she spoke to him.
"Hi Roland."

The boy is quick to latch onto Robin's leg, and she is confused whether he really is shy like Robin had said or if he truly is afraid. Just in case she tells him, "there's no need to be afraid of me." He eases off of his fathers leg, now standing completely in front of where she is crouched down. "Maybe you'd like to be friends?" She offers, hoping it may spark an interest.

Roland nods then and she smiles in accomplishment, standing up straight and holding her hand out to him. Robin watches in awe as his son takes her hand, he never would've guessed she had a soft spot for children. Well it made sense now considering what he's just witnessed and how she felt about her son Henry.

"Come on, Daddy!" Roland calls, skipping along side Regina as they walk towards the stable doors. Robin jogs to catch up with them, taking his sons other hand then giving Regina a smile. The smile she gives him back is happy, she looks truly happy. Far more content than she was last night and he is grateful he invited her to come with them today, for her own sake but also for his.

As much as he hates to admit it, he does like her. She may be irritating and down right rude from time to time, but he likes her when she's like this. When she has Roland on her hip and they're petting horses and feeding them apples. When his son is giggling in her arms and she's right there with him laughing just as hard. He'd never seen her this way, so open and happy.

"Daddy, come look! The horses like me!" He hears his son say from where Regina and him are petting one of the horses. Robin makes his way over to them, standing beside Regina as he watches his sons hand rub the horses' nose. "Can I ride this one, please?"

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