5- Campfires and S'mores

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"Regina." He whispers, gently.

"Regina." A little louder and still nothing.

"Wake up, love." Her eyes finally flutter open, meeting two blue irises. He watches the corners of her lips turn up into a smile, before she rolls over and buries her face in the pillow. Robin chuckles, running his fingers through her soft, wavy hair, "You have to wake up now."

"No, I don't." Regina mumbles into the fabric of her pillow case.

"But I was going to make you breakfast before I leave." He explains, and suddenly she's rolling back over and onto her side to face him. "Where are you going?" She asks, noticing he was already dressed, wearing a beige coloured shirt, with a loose coat thrown over top and dark slacks.

"Just back to my camp, I'm going to get Roland and bring him back here." He had asked the Merry Men to watch Roland for the night since he had wanted to go to the ball with her. He needed some time with his son as well, to explain his relationship with Regina and ask how he felt about it. Robin hoped his son would approve, he loves Regina, why wouldn't he?

She nods, staring at the man sitting half on her bed and leaning over her, then she brings one of her hands from beneath her blankets to the back of his neck and guides him in for a kiss. She separates their lips just enough to tell him, "breakfast would be lovely." Another quick peck, "thank you."

"Ok." He gives her a closed lipped smile, raising his hand to her cheek and brushing his thumb back and forth. "What can I get you, beautiful?"

Her heart flutters at the endearment, as she smiles and stretches her arms above her head, yawning. "Anything."


"Well anything breakfast wise." She replies through a soft chuckle. He kisses her cheek, "Ok, I'll surprise you."

"You know, I've never really liked surprises." She admits, her tone coming more playful as she rolls on her side and props her head on her elbow and hand. He lies down fully on her bed, grabbing her hips and pulling her on top of him as her palms land on either side of his head, her hair falling in a curtain around their faces. He pecks her lips, "this one you'll like."

She sighs and tucks her hair behind her ear on the right side, "what are you making me?"

"Regina, the point of a surprise is not to tell what it is."

"But I wanna know."

"I'm not telling you." He chuckles and she rolls off of him, flopping onto her back and huffing out a fine. He leaves her soon after that, but not before giving her another slow and soft kiss to her lips, refusing to go without seeing her beautiful smile.

Regina watches the door of her bedroom close, immediately letting out a content sigh as the smile on her face only widens and she brings her hands up to cover her face, releasing a soft laugh. When was the last time she felt like this? Giddy and completely infatuated and... happy? She is happy, he makes her happy, she's come to that conclusion.

Thirty minutes pass before she is descending the stairs, her tall black heels clicking against the hard-wood, picking up the skirt of her tight charcoal grey dress with one hand and holding the railing with the other. She makes it to the kitchen, taking slow steps, wanting to sneak up on her handsome thief working away at making her breakfast. He has her back to her, the faint sound of his whistling telling her that he was too focused on cooking to even recognize her presence. She takes a step into the kitchen...

"Hi Regina."

Damn it.

"How did you know?" She all but whines, standing behind him and wrapping her arms around his torso. She feels his low chuckle against her, before he turns around to face her. "The heels give you away."

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