7- A Magic Bean

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"Daddy! Daddy!" Roland calls from outside the couples' tent. Both waking immediately, Robin and Regina sit up and look at each other, the two still completely nude under the sheets that now pool at their waist.

"Shit." The thief curses, looking from right to left and pulling at the blankets as he searches for his clothes. He feels her hand on his arm, giving it a little squeeze that stops his movements, hearing his queen say, "I got it."

Regina twirls her wrist and they're both enveloped in a cloud of purple smoke, once it dissipates they're both clothed, the queen in a black night gown, embroidered with lace along the hems and Robin in a pair of red and black checkered pyjama pants and a white tank that clings to his muscular frame. He looks at himself frowning, "what is this?"

"It's pyjamas. From my world."

"Hmm." He bites down on his lip, "they're comfortable."

She chuckles, rolling her eyes playfully at him before reaching forward to open their tent, revealing a messy haired, little boy. "Oh hi Gina!" Roland says, his voice a mix of surprise and excitement. "Did you and daddy have a sleepover?"

"Uh yes, we did." Regina tells him, nodding her head. He walks into their tent and settles under the covers in between the queen and his father, "morning daddy."

"Morning, my boy." Robin says, ruffling his sons hair and pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"Is Gina gonna stay and play?"

"Hm I don't know. Why don't you ask her?"

"Gina.." Roland starts, turning on his side to face her.

"Roland.." Regina chuckles softly, playing with his dark brown curls.

"Wanna play with us today?"

The queen smiles brightly, "And what will we be playing?"

"Hm bow and arrows?" Roland questions looking from Regina to his father, "we're on lesson four."

Roland had started archery lessons with Robin nearly a month ago, on his fifth birthday. He received his own little bow, quiver, and ten arrows and wasted no time trying them out. Unfortunately the first one landed on Little Johns foot but the arrows were dull enough for no real injuries to occur. By lesson three Roland was actually able to aim and shoot, pretty well. After all he is the son of Robin Hood, it would be silly to think he was anything less than great for a five year old boy.

"I know, but I don't really think Regina wants to sit around watching us shoot arrows at trees." Robin replies, watching how Regina tugs loosely at his sons mop of curls, running her fingers through them in that motherly way that warms his heart.

"Who said anything about sitting?" She asks softly. "You'll have to teach me as well."

Roland's face lights up instantly, smiling from ear to ear. "I can teach you, Gina!" He says with all the excitement in the world.

"Roland.. I'll teach her just like I taught you." Robin tells him, trying his best not to upset him.

"But I wanna teach my Gina." The boy whines, "my Gina, my Gina."

Robin sighs, "She's not 'your Gina', she's-"

"She's my mommy and I wanna teach her." Roland says firmly as he pouts his lower lip.
"Please can I teach you, mommy?" He asks looking at Regina with big brown eyes.

Mommy? He called her mommy... or did she even hear him correctly? She definitely did, he called her mommy. Roland called her his mommy. She was hit by a wave of emotions when she hear the words leave his mouth. Now she's frozen. "I..." Her eyes are filling with fresh tears, blurring her vision as she tries desperately to blink them back. "Sure sweetheart." She finally gets out, quiet and chocked up. He didn't know any better, and she had been like a mother to him these past couple months, even more in the last few weeks. This is all her own fault, she's been missing Henry so much that she's treating Roland like he's hers, and he isn't.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2017 ⏰

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