The outsiders: Dally fanfic-Bumping into Mr.hood

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It was a freezing out and I was only wearing my black leather jacket, but I didn't really care because I found that when I'm not thinking about it, the cold didn't really bother me. I glanced down at my watch, '2:06am' "Whoa it's late..." I said to myself as I kept on walking in the dark. I looked behind me and all of a sudden a look of shock crossed my lightly freckled face, I didn't recognize anything. "I didn't think I went that far..." My voice quivered slightly. I never noticed till now how far from home I was, it didn't even look like my neighbourhood anymore. I wiped the fear from my face and voice and turned to keep on walking. I didn't care how far I was from home, I wasn't gonna go back there, ever! So I just kept my head held high and tried to look as tough as I could so that no one would bother me. I was only 16 and was wondering alone in the streets of New York and I wasn't planning on getting jumped tonight.

When it's dark out and your by yourself it can seem kinda scary. With shadows that move in the corners of alleyways and the sense of not knowing what could be in the darkness ahead of you isn't exactly comforting.
"Don't be afraid." I said trying to convince myself that I was some place safe, not home, that place wasn't safe...just somewhere else. As I walked for a little longer down an old alleyway I started to hear foot steps coming from the other side of the alley. I had such a bad premonition. I stopped and so did my heart as I tried to see into the dark ahead of me but I just couldn't see anything, horrified now I ran as fast as I could out of the alley until I crashed into someone, knocking us both onto the hard concrete.

I moaned in agony and opened my eyes only to see that the person I had crashed into was on top of me. He opened his eyes and then they went big when he realized he was on me and got up very quickly without any second thought.
I brushed my short auburn hair out of my face and stood up.
I stared and studied him carefully. He did the same to me. He was tall, had dark chocolate coloured hair, brown eyes that looked cold but also loving at the same time. He looked as if he'd been through a lot.
He took his eyes off me and glanced over his shoulder and his eyes went ever bigger. "Who-" I started to say but didn't finish because he pulled me behind a dumpster and put his hand over my mouth.
"Shut up and don't talk!" He told me. Horrified and slightly annoyed that someone could be so rude, I tore his hand off my mouth so I could talk and screamed "EXCUSE ME?!?"
"SHUT UP YOU IDIOT" He whispered to me sounding mad and put his hand back on my mouth. I was triggered by then and terrified, but kept quiet when I realized that he was hiding from something.
Sounds of foot steps pasted through the alleyway and
eventually he got up from behind the dumpster and took his hand of my mouth.
"Their gone." He smiled with delight.
"Who's gone?" I said in the most unfriendly way possible.
"The fuzz and jee, do you know what shut up means kid?" I was so done with this person. "WELL IM SORRY THAT I WASN'T QUIET AS I WAS BEING HELD BEHIND A DUMPSTER WITH A COMPLETE AND UTTERLY RUDE HOOD!" I screamed so loudly that it even hurt my ears.
"Listen, the police are after me and I had to run, it's not my fault that you got in my way" He said strangely clam.
"I GOT IN YOUR WAY?!?? TRY YOU GOT IN MY WAY!!" I yelled while throwing my hands up.
"You're a firey kid." He said smiling at me and stepped forward coming closer to me.
"Stop. Calling. Me. KID!!!! Now you listen, I don't know what you did to be running from the cops but I want no part of it and I would appreciate it if you don't ever touch me again and leave me alone..kid." I told him and turned the opposite way and stalked off.
But before I could even walk one step he grabbed my arm and turned me around uncontrollably fast.
"Ow! What the heck, I said leave me alone!" The irritation in my voice was growing.
"You saw me!" He said sounding a little scared.
I cocked my head back in confusion.
"Yeah and you saw me....yay for you you're not blind! Can I go now?" I said sarcastically.
"You know what I look like 'n stuff and could go running to the fuzz at any moment and turn me in.." He took another step towards me.
"I won't because I don't care about you, now BYE!" And turned away.
"Wait!!!" He shouted. I turned again and said "What?"
"Where you headed?" He asked me sounding suspicious.
"What's it too you?.." I was weirded out now.
"Sass. I like that." He smiled recklessly.
Even though I was seriously ticked off, I couldn't help but smile back, there was something about this guy that was...intriguing.
He stared at me. "I'm Dallas." He smiled again.
"Morgan." I told him.

It was quiet for a minute and then I asked "W-why are you..running from the cops?" I was scared to ask.
There was twinkle in his eye that made me gulp.
"I robbed a store. Simple as that."
He shrugged.
"Oh...." I said under my breath.
"Yeah." His smile was big.
I noticed that Dallas smiled a lot..which would have been a good thing if his smile wasn't so reckless and dangerous.
"Now it's my turn to ask a question, why are you out here?" He put his hands in his pockets.
I froze.
"I, well you see..I uh..l"
I sounded so stupid but I really didn't wanna say why. I mean it was a normal thing but I was still afraid to tell him. He was a stranger you know.
"For goodness sakes spit it out girl!" He was a very Impatient person.
"I'm running away!!!" I screamed quickly.
"Really?" He asked.
"Yes really! I hate my home! It's not even a home! It's an orphanage and they treat me like crap there! Nobody wants a 16 year old kid! I was the oldest one there and was treated like I didn't exist, and they wouldn't even care if I left or not so tonight I made the choice to leave!!!!!!!!!" I screamed and then felt kinda embarrassed for yelling all of that personal stuff to some jerk I had just meet.

I crossed my arms and tried to shrink out of existence but it didn't work.
I looked at Dallas's face and saw that it was blank with no expression at all and I was wanting a response.
He just said "Wow"
I frowned and then said "'s not like you care or know what that feels like."
"I don't know what that feels like huh? My old mans the same way, he doesn't care 'bout me at all, I could dead and he wouldn't even care. He has no love for me, well guess what? I have no love for him either! He don't care 'bout me and I am just fine with that!" He screamed back at me.
I was shocked.
But I finally said "Well then, I guess we both know what it's like to not be loved..." I said with sympathetic eyes.
He saw in my eyes that I cared and that made him say
"Yeah I don't care, so don't go feeling sorry for me." He spit on the ground.
"Who said I feel sorry for ya?" I questioned him.
"Whatever.." He shook his head and looked away from me.
I pressed my lips together in the awkward silence but then nearly jumped 20 feet off the ground when I head someone yell
Dallas and I both looked in the direction of the voice and then Dallas swore as he meet eyes with the police.
"Put your hands in the air, BOTH OF YOU NOW!" He crept up to us with a gun in his hands.
I made a noise in my throat and ten through my hands up while Dallas just backed up until he was beside me.
"I SAID HANDS UP or I'll shoot!" He demanded and pointed the gun at Dallas.
But Dallas refused and then told me
"Are you crazy?!????" I whispered to him.
"We run now or we die." Dallas told me as he eyed the cop.
The cop was getting mad now.
I looked Dallas in the eyes and then..........we bolted the heck out of there.

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