The outsiders: Dally fanfic- New York to Oklahoma

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"So how we gonna get there I asked him and looked up at the stars.
"I got a car." He told me and looked up at the night sky as well.
My eyes went huge.
"New a car...that's like a 21 hour drive!" Theres no way I was gonna be stuck in a car for that long.
Dallas grabbed my arm making me look him in his big brown eyes.
"I didn't say that was the only way that we were gonna get there."
His eyes danced playfully in the moonlight.
"Then what else?" I asked trying not to get sucked into his gaze.
"We get on a plane! If we do that then it's only a..a, uh, well a lot shorter then it would be if we were in a car!" He said full of excitement.
I tilted my head to the side and laughed.
"Was the math really that hard?"
He let go of my arm and said
"Don't judge me."
"I'm not! I smiled.
"And under 3 hours." I told him.
"Hey don't be such a smart person, k?"
"Sorry, anyways umm, if we're leaving tomorrow, then what are we gonna do tonight?..." I asked him. I didn't know about Dallas but I did not want to sleep in the streets or if he has one..go back to his place, that would never happen.
He shook his head at the ground and said
I was puzzled.
"Morgan, look up." He told me as he pointed upwards.
The sky was all pink and gold, with a great big sun rising in the distance. And bits of silver danced through the air above me.
"What time does your watch say?"
He then pointed to my wrist that had my black watch on it.
"6:00" I told him.
"Well then that's your answer. Tonight's over, time to hit the road."
I smiled at him and we walked together until we got to his car and we drove to the airport.
I had no idea that I been with Dallas for that long. We had been together all night and now, now it was time to go. But I guess time flys when you're running away from the cops.
As I got out of his car a feeling washed over me.
"Dallas, I have no money, how do I board the plane of I can't afford a ticket?"
He slammed his door and said
"I have money, but I won't be using it."
"What?" I walked up to him.
"How do we buy our tickets then?" I questioned him.
"We won't." He said as if I was dumb.
"Then how do we bored the PLANE?!??" I frowned and was getting impatient.
"Not legally." His eyes flickered with rebelliousness as mine widened with fear and all I could think was: What is he thinking?!??
"We're gonna sneak on the plane." He started to walk towards the entrance door and just as he was opening it, I slammed it shut and yelled
"Never in a million years would I illegally board a plane, but guessing from your cool tone I suspect that this is normal for you!" My tone was more worried then mad because if I'm being completely honest, I was scared of Dallas and this whole Oklahoma trip.
"Why not? It's fun!" He frowned.
"No it's not 'fun', it's 'illegal'.
I turned and stomped away from him.
"Morgan wait!" He yelled.
I didn't respond and kept on walking away.
I heard his footsteps coming in my direction and he said once more
I stopped and he caught up to me.
"Listen, if you don't want to..we don't have to take the plane. It'll be a long time but we can drive." He grabbed my waist.
"Oh it's not that." I explained and pulled away from him.
"Then what is it?" I could tell that he cared by the sound of his voice.
"I'm scared." I choked on my words and started to cry.
"Why? You don't like flying?" He now grabbed my hand.
"No, I'm scared of this. I-I'm 16 and alone and-a I have no one an' I just feel lost and scared. I'm going to Oklahoma for goodness sakes!" I cried and tried not to make eye contact with Dallas because I hated crying in front of people. It made me feel weak.
He pulled me in and hugged me real tight.
"You're not alone." He said.
"As long as you're with me you'll never be alone." He said softly. I cried into his shoulder not even bothering to pull away because I've never had a real hug before and it felt good.
He looked me in the eyes and squeezers my shoulders.
"Let's take the car."
I stopped my tears, nodded and we then walked to the car together.

"Thanks Dallas." I sniffled.
"Ah no problem." He looked down at his car.
I smiled at him and then thought of something.
" the have money, so why not just use it to board the plan the legal way?" I questioned him and opened my car door.
"Because it's f-" I cut him off.
"Don't say because it's 'fun'." I warned him.
He just pouted playfully and opened his car door and said
"It's fun" then laughed like a rebel and got inside the car.
I got inside the car and said
"You're a real character, you know that?" I smiled as I said it and shut my door.
"Meh, I've been called worse." He smiled at me and we drove off out of the airport and headed for Oklahoma.

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