Two has a what now?!??

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"What's the matter girly?" He laughed.
I finally snapped out of my trance.
"I uh- hello" I said awkwardly while sticking out my hand.
He shook it.
"I'm Two-bit!"
"Morgan Fay" I said and made direct eye contact with him.
"I'm Johnny." He nodded at me and I told him
"Nice to meet you."
And that was that. I had met the whole gang and since I was such good friends with Dally and the others liked me a lot, I became apart of the gang. Me and Pony really hot it off with our shared love for books and I found out that Steve is an interesting fellow (once I finally got to meet him). I got a job there in Oklahoma and bought myself my own apartment and didn't bother to go to school. I hung out with my boys everyday and we became very close, but what I really wanted was to get closer to Two-bit.
It was very sunny out as I walked on the sidewalk in the heat. I was heading over to Pony's house. I stopped in a store windows to check out how I looked and made sure that my hair and makeup were perfect because today was the day that I was going to tell Two-bit how I felt about him. I far as I knew no one knew how I felt about him yet and I wanted it to stay that way until I told him how I feel.
"Perfect" I told myself and I fluffed my hair up.
"Hot" I heard someone say.
I tuned towards the voice only to see Dally standing there with his hands in his pockets.
I blushed
"Thanks Dally"
He smiled and then looked me up and down.
"Any reason as to why you're dressed so fancy like?" He asked me.
"I uh well, I guess I could tell you. I have been dying to tell someone anyways." My voice filled with excitement.
"What's up?"
"I like Two, and I'm gonna tell him today!" I squealed a little and my eyes lit up with happiness as I waited for Dally's reaction.
But all I got was an expression of confusion.
"What" I said loosing my spark of happy.
"Uh, Morgan..." Dally said while rubbing the back of his neck.
"What is it?..." I was getting scared and confused now.
"Morgan...Two..Two-bit has a girlfriend...." He squinted his eyes as if I was about to smack him upside the head.
I stiffened.

"Yeah. I um, thought you knew that..." Dally looked down at the ground.
"I didn't..." I felt so broken.
"Morgan don't be upset. Please." Dally put his arm around me.
"I'm, I just don't think that I wanna hang today...tell the guys that I couldn't make it.." I told Dally and started walking back to my apartment.
"I can stay with you if you want? Just us!" Dally shouted to me.
"No, no, I wanna be alone." I tried hard to swallow the sadness in my voice.
Dally just frowned and walked the opposite way towards the Curits's house.

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