Since I first saw you...

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"Hey Morgan!"
"Hello Dally" I hugged him. I loved the whole gang a lot and I would do anything for them but Dally was my best friend and nothing would change that.
Two-bit smiled at me and I got a sup from Steve. Johnny just nodded at me with a half, shy grin.
"When are we leaving?" Steve asked.
"Around 6?" Dally suggested.
"Sounds good." Johnny added quietly.
This was gonna be fun, especially because I should be hanging around Two-but more as a friend instead of thinking about him as a crush. If u do that that maybe I could get over him faster I thought. Then I had a better idea.
"Hey Two-bit you should bring your girlfriend, I'm sure her and I could become good friends!" I said happily but deep down inside me it killed me to think of Two-bit with another girl.
"Girlfriend?" Two-bit's expression was down right confused. Steve and Johnny were also confused.
Dally's eyes went huge.
"I don't have a girlfriend." Two-bit laughed at the thought of him with a girl.
"Who told you that I had a girlfriend?" Two-bit took another bite of chocolate cake.
"Really? But Dally told me.." I turned to face Dally as did the others. Dally sat there frozen, not knowing what to say. His expression showed that he was scared.
"I uh, well, you see I-"
Just then Pony, Soda and Darry walked in.
"Why did you lie to me?" I was hurt that Dally could do such a thing.
"Morgan, I.." Dally had no idea what to say.
"How could you? Why would you?" I asked Dally and boy was I mad.
Everyone was staring at Dally.
"There's a reason I promise." Dally finally told me and his face turned red.
"And what would that be?!?" I kinda screamed at him.
"I..." Just then Dally got up out of his chair and bolted out of the room, leaving the gang confused and me hurt.

"What was that?" Soda asked surprised.
"I don't know but I think that this is between Dally and Morgan, so we should let them work it out." Darry answered firmly.
"I'm gonna go talk to Dal, if you guys don't see me..or us tonight then, I'm sorry again for missing out on he fun." I explained to them.
"We understand." Pony added.
I looked at my friends and smiled. They were the best. Then I walked out the front door to try and find Dally.
I searched and searched for hours, but I just couldn't find Dally. I have no idea why either because I went to all the places that I thought he might be: The lot, The drive in, Bucks. Even though Buck scared me I went over to his house to check. Nope. Still no Dallas.
As Buck slammed the door in my face I sighed and slumped my way back to my apartment because it was 5:30 and I still hadn't found him. I was tired and sad and would try again in the morning. Tears threatened to pour out my eyes at any moment as I walked up the stairs to my apartment. But I wouldn't let them. Dally. I would find Dally. When I got to my door I saw someone sitting by it. It was dally! Sitting there smoking a cigarette, by my door.
"DALLY!" I screamed with joyfulness.
He looked up at me and stood up so that I could hug him.
"I've been looking all over for you, all day and I couldn't find you. You scared me something awful!!!" I choked back the tears in my throat.
"Aww well I'm sorry to have scared ya but after you ran out..I well..I wondered around the lot awhile and then came here..." Dally pointed at the spot where he had been sitting.
My mouth hung open.
"You've been here all day.." I asked him.
"Waiting for you, yes." He shyly smiled. Which was weird because Dally was anything but shy.
"Oh" I said.
"I believe that I owe you an apology and an explanation.." He looked down and examined his hands.
"Right. Here, let's talk in side." I unlocked my door and we went inside.
Dally explained everything to me. He had be scared that I had liked Two-bit so he lied and thought that he could get away with it. He liked me and didn't want two-bit to mess up his chance with me, so he said that Two had a girlfriend.
By the end of my telling me all this his face was completely red.
"Oh wow..." I said astonished.
"Dally I had no idea..."
" I know..."  He said quietly.
We were quite for a minute until Dally said.
"I love you Morgan and I did since I first saw you in New York." He said grabbed my face in his hands.
All of a sudden a bunch of memories of Dally and I in New York were flashing by: Us smacking into each other, us running away from the cops, his horrible driving....being in a car with him for over 21 hours. Every memory replayed in my mind as if I had amnesia and I remembered everything suddenly. Then I new thought came into my head.
I loved Dallas Winston. Dally loved me and I loved him, I just didn't know it till now.
"Morgan?" Dally took his hands off my face and looked me in the eyes.
"Huh? Oh. Dally..." I said.
"Yeah Morgan?" His voice sounded eager.
"I love you too." I threw my arms around Dally and hugged him real tight.
Dally hugged me back.
When I let go of Dally I looked at the clock.
"Hey if we leave now we can still catch up with the gang." I suggested to Dally.
"Sure." He replied with joy in his voice.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2017 ⏰

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