The outsiders: Dally fanfic-Meeting Two-bit, oh and the others

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We drove for about 20 minutes before I said
"So Dallas-"
"You can call me Dally." He said and made a turn.
"Right, sorry, Dally...why Oklahoma? I wondered and ran my fingers over the car dashboard.
"Got some friends there." He explained.
"Oh cool." I nodded.
He turned his head to face me.
"EYES ON THE ROAD!!!!" I yelled in a panic.
Dallas laughed mischievously.
"You're such a good girl."
He put his gaze back on the road and shook his head.
"I bet you don't even know what the word fun means."
"I do so! I just don't think that crashing the car into something is fun." I moved in my seat and stared out the window.
Things were quite for a second until Dally asked me
"What are you anyway?"
"What?" I asked him as u he no on for dear life as he made another turn. Dally could do a lot of things, but driving is not one of them.
"Are you a hood? Soc? Greaser? What are you?" He asked a little impatiently.
"Wait, lemme guess." He smiled.
"K, go for it." I laughed.
He stared me down with his cold eyes.
"Road." I said irritated.
He looked back at the road and said
"You're not a Hood...because you don't look tough enough to be a criminal."
I shrugged.
"And ur definitely not one of 'em Soc's. You're to beaten to be one of the rich, plus you got some nice leather.
I stared down at my jacket and my eyes flickered. I hated Soc's, just hated them.
He waited a minute.
"You're a Greaser." He told me.
"Thought so" He picked up the speed.
"Can you slow down?" I scowled at him.
"You see I could, but your face is amusing." He made a sharp turn.
"Rude." I was trying hard not to throw up.
Dally must have seen how white I was getting because he started to slow down and drove the speed limit. Well almost the speed limit, but it was close enough.
Dallas and I talked a lot and I learned a lot about him and he learned a lot about me. I told him how I was in orphanages pretty much since I was born because my parents had both died in a car crash, and Dally told me that his one friend 'Pony' and his brothers had the same thing happen to them, but the oldest brother 'Darry' took care of them. They were lucky. They at least had each other, I was unfortunate and was an only child.
It was a long, long trip and when we absolutely needed sleep we slept in the car and then started driving again when we woke up. We ate at drive-ins and talked a lot to keep ourselves from dying of boredom from being in a car for 21 hours. I even formed a deathly fear of cars from being driven around by Dally. So thanks for that Dallas. But finally we had reached our destination.
"We're here!" Dallas exclaimed and got out of the car.
I got out of the car as well and yelled "YOU DRIVE LIKE A PSYCHOPATH!!!"
"I'm not that bad." He frowned sarcastically.
"Are you jealous?" He pouted and then laughed.
"Now why would I be jealous?" I scowled at him with disgust.
"Because you love me." He said playfully and leaned on the car.
I cocked an eyebrow.
"Is that so?"
"Yep. But it's okay you don't have to admit it." He shut his door.
"You're delusional." I told him and crossed my arms.
He shrugged and then turned to face a small run down house.
"Dally" I walked up beside him.
"What exactly is 'here'?" I asked him.
"This is where my friends live." He told me and started to walk up the front steps with me by his side.
"Cool." I replied.
Dally and I walked in the front door and I heard someone yell
"Hey guys! Dally's back!"
I heard foot steps coming from every which way inside the house and then 3 boys came running in towards Dally and I.
They hugged Dally and they all told him how happy they were for him to be back and I just stood there awkwardly in the back not knowing what to do or say. After they were all done saying there hellos they looked at me.
"Who's the girl Dal?" The blonde one asked while the other two just snickered.
That made me uncomfortable and I fixed my hair trying to act confident.
"Pony, Darry, Soda..this is Morgan. We met in New York." Replied Dally
"Sup" I said and made a small smile.
"Well then, hey there beautiful." The blonde one told me.
My faced turned red and I moved closer to Dally.
"Soda, stop it. The tallest one said.
"Hi Morgan, I'm Darry." He stuck out his hand and I shook it.
"And I'm Pony." He smiled at me sweetly.
"Hi Pony." I said and smiled back.
"Two-bit and Johnny are coming by later." Darry told Dally.
"Awesome man." Dally replied.
"Why don't you and Morgan come and sit down on the couch." Soda motioned for us to come over.
We walked over together and sat down.
Soda asked us a bunch of questions like how we met and what happened in New York and so we told him.
"So how long you two been together?" Soda asked just as Pony walked in to join in on the conversation.
Dally looked at me.
"What? Oh no, no, NO. Dally and I are friends. JUST friends." I explained to Soda.
Soda and Pony just smiled.
As I I continued talking, I caught a glimpse of Dally's face and he looked kinda sad. I was confused and wondered why but I wasn't able to think about it to much because just then two new guys had entered the room ending our conversation. I looked at the two boys and then froze when I saw the one with Micky mouse on his shirt.
"Hey Two-bit"
"What's up Johnny?" Pony greeted them.
"Hey Pony, soda" Two-bit said.
"Hi guys." Johnny spoke quietly and softly.
"And hey there!" Two-bit came up to me.
I was still frozen, my eyes fixed on Two-bit.
As I sat there staring like an idiot, my mouth dropped open and the only thing that was going through my mind was: Man, he was cute.

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