My World Flips

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This is my first story. Please help me get better and make improvements. Enjoy reading!

Psyche's P.O.V

I was walking down the street with my mom, Katherine (Beckett) Castle, chief of the 12th precinct. We were walking home from my friend's house, who lived 2 blocks away (you were never far from people in Manhattan), after a study session. We had a huge test in math this Friday and none of us were prepared.

"How was studying?" My mom questioned.

"Fun, we goofed around a little though, but I think we will all ace our tests" I said not enthusiastically"

"What's wrong, you haven't been yourself lately?" Leave it to my mom to figure out something happened and I was holding back, Uncle Javi and Uncle Kevin said she was a human lie detector.

"It's just things keep coming after me, like today one of my friends, Penelope's dogs turned into a giant mastiff, scared me so bad! No one else seemed to notice though."

"I have to tell your dad"

"Why?" Then her phone rang.

"Psyche we will talk about this later. There's been a murder, can you get home alright?" My mom asked sincerely, but she dodged my question.

"It's only a block away, I'll be fine."

"Okay, I will call Alexis to let her know you will be home soon."

"K, bye mom"

"Bye sweetie" My mom said as she turned around and dialed my half-sister's number into her cell phone. I walked down the street waving at our resident homeless man Will. I turned to our building saluting at our doorman Anthony who is an ex-marine.

"Hello, Ms. Castle" Mr. Anthony said cheerfully.

"Hello sir, how has your day been?" I asked we had recently become good friends. I enjoyed his stories about the battle field.

"Fine madam, yours?"

"Don't be so formal, and I am well." He taught me to always use proper grammar. "Well I better be going; my sister is waiting for me."

"Okay, Miss, I'll see you later."

"Bye!" I trotted to the elevator and hit the floor I lived on. When the elevator stopped the doors opened I saw my dad waiting for the elevator, I assume my mother called him about the murder.

"Hey dad!" I said wistfully.

"Hey cupcake!" He replied.

"Going to the murder" I presumed.

"Uh yes, how did you know?"

"Mom was walking me home when Uncle Javi called her."

"That makes sense. See you later gotta run." He rushed.

"Bye dad, love you!" I called after him, but the doors closed and he didn't hear me. I walked towards the loft, we owned the corner one with a great view of the city. I stepped inside, it looked as though my dad was not expecting a case and rushed around get ready to meet my mom. "Alexis I'm home!" I yelled, as far as I could tell she was in her room studying for an exam, because after college, she went to Medical School to become a medical examiner like my Aunt Lanie. I didn't think she heard me, until she yelled;

"There are leftovers in the fridge if you want some food" She replied and continued studying. I grabbed some pizza from the fridge and headed up to Alexis' room to see what she was up to. I peered in the door and as I guessed she was on her floor studying like a mad woman.

"Knock Knock." I said scaring her.

"Psyche, what the heck were you thinking" She yelled.

"Sorry gosh, just seeing how you were." I spat, as I finished my pizza.

"Oh, ok. It's going ok, I guess. I just can't figure out some of these terms."

"K, well good luck, I am going to my room to think about life."

"Mmmhmm" was her smart response. I headed to my room, which was the former guest room, but when I was born, my mom changed it into my room. Alexis is my only half-sister from one of my dad's previous marriages, but with my mom I have 3 older siblings, 2 boys, Jackson, and Roy. I also have an older sister named Johanna.

My room was messy but I didn't care. I knew that Carrie, the maid, would be by tomorrow. I flopped on my bed, but I couldn't sit there and think. My ADHD would not allow it. I got up, walked around my room kicked random things, a book, a shirt, oh there's my water bottle. I paced my room, thinking about what my mom said, "I feared this day would come." What did she mean by that? Then I thought about the way Penelope's dog turned into a mastiff from a Chihuahua. I was worried. My cell phone rang, it was a gift from my parents on my last birthday when I turned 13.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone. I hadn't bothered to look at the I.D.

"Hey Psyche, can you come down to work" My mother said shakily into the phone.

"Uh yes, what's wrong?"

"Can't talk now, but get here as soon as possible. Alexis will still be studying, so hail a cab."

"Okay mom see you soon." I hung up. Grabbed my bag, slung it over my shoulder. Told Alexis where I was going. She said whatever then I grabbed an apple off the counter, then headed down to the lobby.

I walked off the elevator, said hi to Mr. Anthony. Then rushed out the door to catch a cab. As soon as a cab came up to the curb I hopped in. I told them where to go. When we arrived at my mom's precinct. I paid the cabby telling him to keep the change. I ran up the steps.

"Hey Psyche!" shouted Sara from behind the front desk.

"Hey, I am going to see my parents" I informed her.

"Fine by me" I headed up the elevator. I walked out to see Uncle Ryan.

"Hey Uncle Kevin!" I cheerfully said.

"Hey Psyche, whatcha doin' here?" He replied pulling me into a hug. He wasn't my real uncle, but he was a close family friend, so he felt like one, same with my Uncle Javier.

"My mom wanted me to come." I replied.

"Oh, there in your mom and dad are in the break room."

"K, Thanks" I walked toward the break room. I saw my parents deep in conversation, I walked in looking around. It had been a month since I had last been here, nothing had really changed.

"Psyche sit down please." My dad said, why was he being so serious? My dad is a jokester, this is odd.

"What's going on?" I questioned.

"Honey we have something to tell you." My mother said in a calming tone. "You're adopted." That statement hit me like a hippopotamus.

"What!?" I yelled/asked very confused. "What do you mean?"

"I know this is hard, but there are many things to discuss," My father told me. After he said that the elevator opened, I expected Uncle Javi, but 2 teens walked out. One with blonde hair like mine with grey eyes. The other was a boy he had black, moppy, hair with sea green eyes.

Hope you enjoyed! Please review. If you have any ideas, feel free to share them! Sorry for the short chapter, but I thought this would be a great cliff-hanger.

-Psyche Castle


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