Laser Tag and Gram's Dinner

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So here is the next chapter. Please R&R!!

Disclaimer: I hope I don't look like a 40-year-old man.

I rushed into the hall and straight to Jo's room. I knocked just in case, she was getting changed. No answer. I assumed that either she went to go get my "dad" sign her book or was in Peter's room talking. I crept towards my brother's room.

"Percy, did you see the way she looked at my book. It's like she could read it. What if she's a Demi-god?" Anne asked, Percy? They were sitting on the floor, discussing me!

"Annabeth, I doubt it. Remember her parents are both here." Percy added.

"Percy, Alexis is from a previous marriage, so why can't Psyche be?"

"Didn't you here she has three older siblings that are Captain Beckett's and Castles. She can't be unless she's adopted."

"You hit the nail on the head." I walked in not standing them talking about me. "What is a Demi-god?"

"You weren't meant to here that!" Annabeth shouted. "How much did you here?" She asked me calming down.

"Not much," I lied.

"Honestly" Percy demanded.

"Enough to know that you lied about your names and you think I am a Demi-what?" I told them.

"Come sit down," Percy inviting me, patting a spot next to him on the floor. I walked over and sat down next to them. "Ok, we'll start with our names. I am Percy Jackson and this is Annabeth Chase."

"So that's why you guys laughed when I said you would be staying in Jackson's room."

"Pretty much!" Annabeth laughed.

"You still haven't answer what a what-god is?" I told them.

"Oh, a demi-god. Part human part..." Annabeth partially explained.

"Part what?" I said exhaust berated.

"Part god." Percy finished.

"And you think I'm one of them?" I asked. Annabeth wrote something on a paper. She showed the paper to me;

"Can you read this?" She questioned. I looked at the piece of paper.

"It says 'If you can read this, than yes." I replied. "Is that Greek like my dad's book?"

"Yep!" Percy exclaimed.

"Are you guys demi-gods?"

"Yeah, my dad's Poseidon and her mom's Athena." Percy informed me.

"Like the Greek gods?"

"Yep" Annabeth told me.

"So you think I am one, cause I found out like today that I am adopted so..."

"Most likely, we need to talk to Chiron though..." Her voice trailed off.

"Chiron as in the centaur Chiron, the one who trained Achilles and all those great heroes?!"

"Yes, we will Iris message him in the morning. We must talk with Mr. Castle and Captain Beckett, and see if they know anything." Annabeth informed us.

"What is an Iris message?"

"Iris goddess of the rainbow and communication between demigods too if she's not too busy or in a bad mood." Percy told me.

"Why did you change your names?"

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