Dyslexic and The War god

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I have decided to change to a 3rd person point of view because I feel it will portray the story better!

Disclaimer: I am a thirteen year old girl. I obviously don't own Percy Jackson.

-The Next Day-

Kate walked to her desk, she had started the day with Psyche begging to go to the precinct to help with the murder.


Psyche trotted down the stairs, skipping the last one. She was wearing skinny jeans and a blue sweater that didn't cover one shoulder, with a white tank top underneath. She also had on her gold flats that she was given for her latest birthday. Her blonde hair was meticulously brushed, and laid out perfectly over her shoulders with a blue headband keeping her hair from her eyes. She wore a necklace that had been given to her by her parents when she turned ten. The necklace had charms relating to the ocean and other things Psyche loved.

"Mom can I go to the precinct to help with the murder today?" The girl questioned. Psyche really wanted to stay on this case, to find the killer, but also to spend more time with Annabeth and Percy.

"Hun, I don't think you should. You have school today. Besides I already have 3 children to take care of." She countered. Kate was wearing a white blouse with an aviator jacket, that Percy thought would rival Nico's. Her hair just brushed nothing special. She wore her black 6 inch heels, which amazed Annabeth who hated anything girly.

"I take offence to that!" Rick shouted from across the room, knowing he was the third child. He was wearing his usual solid red shirt that earlier in the day had earned him a glare from Peter. His black signature jacket was draped on the chair behind him.

"Me too." Peter called. Percy had a blue t-shirt on and jeans wearing very old sneakers. His hair had not been bothered to be brushed.

"Peter" Anne scolded him. "You don't have to worry about us, Captain." Annabeth had a grey t-shirt on with a purple sweater keeping her warm. She also wore jeans and sneakers. Her hair was in a sloppy pony tail.

"Mom please." Psyche begged, "I really want to help, I helped solve my first case at 7. I can help, this one really speaks to me and I think, I know, I can help. Mom I can call in sick for the next few day, I will catch up on my work I promise." Psyche had moved into the kitchen, she wanted nothing more than to go to the precinct, where she spent her early years.

"Kate, I think we should let her go." Rick persuaded. He really loved his adopted daughter, and believed he owed it to her after dropping that she was adopted, and not formally discussing it. He knew that they needed to spend a little time with her. He sent his best plead look to his wife.

"Fine, I'll call the school." Kate's eyes dropping to her adoptive daughters feet, "Psyche why don't you change your shoes, I think we'll do some field work today."

"Fine." Psyche leaped up the stairs, she was enthralled that she would be able to help solve this case.

-Flashback over-

Kate sent out Castle, Espo and Ryan to pick up the victim's mother. Anne, Peter, and Psyche were in the break room going over anything for a possible lead. It turned out both Anne and Peter had dyslexia, as did Psyche. She knew it would take them all morning, but at least they would not be bugging her as much. Kate didn't want to admit is but she was scared to meet Max's father, the way Peter and Anne talked about him, it seemed he ran a mob or something.

"Can I get the Greek version of this, my eyes hurt super bad." Percy complained.

"I know right, I have actually found that Greek hurts my eyes way less." Psyche contributed.

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