Chapter 1 | Home & Nightmares

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You got on a plane to go to Japan because people in California are finding out that you're not normal, You don't want to risk hiding in the shadows because one day people are gonna find out what you truly are. And if they do they will think of you as a monster.


You're now at home looking around, you're thinking about calling your sister but at the same time, you don't feel like it because she might be busy. All your thinking is to swim and go to the bottom of the water to relax there because whenever you're near the water you just feel peaceful. You you belong here in this world...

After thinking and taking a shower you decided to go to bed, you changed into your PJ's and fell into slumber until you started to have nightmares...


You're in the corner crying while your parents were being beaten by strangers, your sister was there too, holding you and covering your eyes to not see them get beaten, you hear your mom telling you and hazel to run. Your sister grabbed your hand and before running away you saw your dad get stabbed from one of the strangers, your eyes widen.

(Y/N): eyes widen)

Everything was silent, all you could hear was your mother crying and see her in tears. But before your sister can pull you away the room was still silent and all you can hear was your mom's last words towards you.

Mom: I love you...survive...

And then your mom got shot on the head and you started to hear noises again, your sister pulled you and ran with force. She saw everything and she wasn't shocked because she knew this day would come and you were young, you didn't know what was death and what was murder. You ran into the forest with your sister and you started to cry in fear and your eyes were still wide, your sister looked at you...she was sad and she didn't know what to do. But then a man tackled your sister and scratched her with the knife he had in his hand, you looked and you knew that man...he was the same man that shot your mom and stabbed your dad. You had enough, you felt anger and rage in you. You felt like attacking but the thing is, you were already a wolf and without thinking you just attacked the man and bit his arm and you bit half of his face off. Then you heard Hazel your sister.

Hazel: (Y/N) stop! run!

You ignored her and kept biting him that he pushed you off and ran for his life, you looked at Hazel and growled darkly. You don't recognize her which caused you to jump on her and you growled loudly.

Hazel: a tear falls) (Y/N)...

Hazel: yells while tears fall from her cheek) SNAP OUT OF IT! (Y/N) FOCUS AND REMEMBER ME! IT'S ME HAZEL YOUR SISTER!

You looked at her and focused, you see your sister there hopeless and crying, you get off of her and turned back to human. You didn't know how to transform from werewolf to human but you just turned to human, you looked deep in her eyes and see the fear in them and you see your parents being slaughter.

Dad: yells) RUN! DON'T LOOK

Mom: I love you...survive...

(Y/N): You woke up from your nightmare screaming) NO! (you started to pant and sweat)

(Y/N): gasping for air) I-it was just a dream...

You laid back down and looked at the ceiling, a tear fell from your cheek

(Y/N): Tomorrow is the first day of school...I hope people won't talk to me...

You cried yourself to sleep

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