Chapter 28 | Afraid To Die

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'Tears were spilling from my eyes, I was crying...It's been a very long time since I cried...very long time. I tried to stop crying for I can help Hazel but the tears didn't stop, not even a second, I looked at her wounds and touched them gently trying not to hurt her. But even when the air blows on her fur, she whimpers in pain, I looked back at the boys.'

(Y/N): we have to help Hazel

Rei: why should we!? you're not human! you're a monster!

(Y/N): I'm not a monster! I'm human but just a special type of human! I'll never become a monster!

Nagisa: you killed all those other wolves, maybe you'll kill us next since we know your secret now

(Y/N): we don't kill humans and if we didn't fight back if we didn't attack these other wolves. You guys would have been dead by now, you guys wouldn't be breathing at all if it weren't for us. Now don't think of us as monsters (looks at Hazel) Hazel saved Makoto life, you should be thankful.


The boys looked at each other, Nagisa was more afraid, Haru was back to his old self-pokerfaced but he now seemed calm. Makoto was staring at Hazel with grateful eyes and something else, Rei was taking a deep breath with his eyes closed but soon calmed down.

Haru: We'll help you, let's take her to the hospital

(Y/N): no, we can't

Makoto: why not? she needs help

(Y/N): I know but her not so deep wounds will heal quickly but her deep ones will take a couple of weeks, maybe even months. We should go to my house and treat it as if it were a little scratch...I know how to clean them but I need someone to stitch them for me

Makoto: I know someone who can stitch her wounds, she's a vet, she's my mother's friend. She can take care of Hazel but Hazel has to be a wolf I guess

(Y/N): bring her to my house

Makoto: okay

(Y/N): just help me carry her

Haru: she brought her car, you can drive  her home, we'll be behind you

(Y/N): sounds good

(Y/N) got up from crouching  and Makoto walks up to Hazel  and gently tries to pick her up


'I was surprised the boys were going to help me and its been so long since I ever seen (Y/N) cry like that. Eyes full of sadness and regret, why regret? does she regret running away? I bet she's blaming herself right now but it wasn't her fault. She shouldn't blame herself, she should blame the wolf that attacked me but that is now dead so that won't be a problem, once Maloto picked me up, I started to whimper in pain. He looked afraid and sorry that I quickly shut up, he carried me out of the forest, I'm surprised they remember the route to get out of here that I'm glad they do because my nose is full of the smell of blood and death. My neck was bleeding really bad but the bite wasn't too deep to kill me in an instant, if they don't treat it quick, I'll die from blood loss or infection and I can't let that happen. I can't leave my sister all alone with these boys who found out her secret. I won't let her fight this war by herself, no I won't, it's not my time to go and it will never be my time to go. Makoto laid me in the back of the car and (Y/N) went to the passenger seat while Makoto turned on the car ready to drive, (Y/N) head looked back'

(Y/N): we'll go to my house Hazel, don't worry it's not that far, just hang in there for a little longer okay

'I wanted to respond but all I can do is look straight at her and breath. I tried to talk but when I moved my mouth even the slightest, my throat would hurt a little bit and something sticky would drip from my neck to my chest. I realized it was my blood, I shouldn't talk or else I will really die...I can't believe I'm saying this but...I'm afraid to die.'

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