Chapter V : Found At Last

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"Pray that your loneliness may spur you into finding something to live for; great enough to die for." -Dag Hammarskjold

High Fells of Rhudaur

It was midday when at last Inconnu was able to look upon the mountainside known as the High Fells of Rhudaur, the place where the Tomb of the Nazgûl resided deep within. She sighed in relief, glad to have finally reached her destination after nearly two months worth of travel, and Sverundr agreed with this sentiment. The stallion nickered and Inconnu encouraged him onward, only having stopped to really look at the steep mountainside.

Within two hours they reached the base of the mountain, and with keen eyes Inconnu spotted primitive and very worn steps. They led up so far that Inconnu could only barely make out the end of the treacherous path. Inconnu was confident however that she would reach the top and delve into the ancient tomb. She had to, for his sake. Sverundr gave her more than one worried look as Inconnu removed his tack and set it on a low-hanging branch. He was free to graze, but he kept an eye on Inconnu's progress as he did so.

Due to the Half-Elven nature of her heritage, Inconnu couldn't be more glad to posses her innate sense of balance. She was careful though not to become too overconfident as was proven when she had to leap for the next step, and the one she had jumped from crumbled away and fell far below. Inconnu managed to keep the need to make haste contained and set aside. The stone steps would not tolerate any sort of rush movement, and there were few clues as to when they too would collapse.

Time seemed to drag on a little as Inconnu carefully made her way to the entrance in the mountainside. It was much more visible now, and her chest was slowly beginning to feel a dull pressure in her chest. The whispers were coming back too, stronger now that she was so much closer to their origin. Inconnu did her best to ignore them however, as she was now at the entrance and before her was was like a gaping void. She was faintly hesitant, as any reasonable person would be in the face of such a place.

Inconnu could sense him though, deep within the darkness and she knew she had to bring him out of this ancient tomb. For him she would brave the suffocation of the void, and after taking a deep breath she delved into the darkness.

And immediately Inconnu slid down several feet, the darkness having kept the sudden slope well-hidden. She managed to grab onto the edge and got a good look at the fall before reeling back and taking several deep breaths. Looking around in the slight beam of light coming from the entrance, Inconnu didn't see any simple way down into the tomb's depths. She released a soft sigh and rolled her shoulders to loosen them, then she walked to the edge, crouched and made sure she had a firm grip on the worn stone before slipping off.

Instantly her other hand went for that same edge and held on as her body felt the jarring effect of stopping so quickly. Inconnu took a deep breath in order to even it out and waited a minute before swinging forward slightly and letting go. She landed easily enough onto the next ledge and Inconnu latched onto the weathered iron bars, so broken and twisted, to keep her balance. Another deep breath, and she repeated the same maneuver again to reach the next level.

The further down Inconnu went, the darker the tomb became and the more she understood the meaning of it. Never were the Nine to see the light of day in here. Forever were they to be entombed and sealed with spells performed with such a burning hatred. The further down Inconnu went, the more she felt this insatiable anger and heated desire for the destruction of such beings. If anyone were to hold such feelings would be the long-dead survivors of the Witch-King's conquest of Arnor.

Inconnu understood this, but the closer she came to the end of her Hunt the more she felt that hatred become directed at her. Those vengeful spirits were aware of her intentions and they certainly were not eager for them to come to fruition. Oh no, they wanted the Witch-King to languish in the darkness, for him to suffer for all eternity. Him and all his brethren in Shadow.

His Corrupted Heart [Witch-King x OC]Where stories live. Discover now