Chapter X : Pleading for Peace and Light

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"Peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding." -Albert Einstein

The Witch-King stared at Sverundr as they continued their standoff, occasionally glancing to Inconnu's unnervingly still form. He easily estimated that Inconnu had lost quite a lot of blood from protecting him fron the second creature's ambush and the longer she went without attention, the less her chances of survival were. Surely the large stallion knew this? No matter Er-Murazor's thoughts though, as Sverundr was keen on and very much keeping his rider and the Ringwraith apart.

Still maintaning eye-contact, Er-Murazor carefully took a step toward Sverundr and stopped when the stallion snorted. The large stallion stamped his front hooves in the fresh layer of snow, but did nothing else as the Witch-King took another step forward.

Then he took another and another and when he took a fourth step, Sverundr reared slightly and neighed loudly. This forced the Witch-King back several steps back again and they were right back to where they started.

Er-Murazor sighed, easily remembering when he tried to approach Sverundr when Inconnu had left to hunt the first chance she got once they were far enough from the Nazgûl Tomb.

They weren't going to get anywhere like this, especially not soon enough for Inconnu.

Glancing at her again, he then remembered what she had told him of Sverundr and her strong bond with the large stallion that same day in the past.

'Sverundr is not easily fooled by façades and can see the truth of those around him. Concerning you he sees only a Nazgûl, a rather powerful one and with me, a powerful friend he wants to protect.'

"You are just protecting her," Er-Murazor muttered under what breath he did have left in the state of his current existence "I understand that much about you."

Sverundr bobbed his large head, seeming to understand every word the Witch-King had just said. Following up on this, Er-Murazor again took a step closer to the stallion as he continued to talk-no, to reason with Inconnu's true friend.

"You are not protecting her, not like this, not with the grave wounds she bears."

Sverundr stamped his hooves again but the Ringwraith went on.

"I know you do not trust me and... I understand." He faltered for a moment, barely noticeable. "I would not trust myself in your position either but you do not have a choice in the matter. Our current situation demands it."

Sverundr snorted loudly, eyeing the Chieftain of the Nine before him with complete suspicion, but remaining still as the Witch-King took another measured step towards him.

"Inconnu, your friend, needs my help Sverundr. I can help her heal as best I can but I cannot do even that if I cannot be at her side."

The large stallion reared again, but his hooves only reached a foot or two off the ground. Not as dramatic or threatening as the first few times and Er-Murazor took advantage of this opportunity. Ever since Inconnu had returned his blade to him it had never left his side, but now he slowly unsheathed it in full view of Sverundr and stabbed it into the ground between them. The stallion eyed the blade before looking at the Ringwraith, a very intelligent light in those deep brown eyes. Er-Murazor stared back, unflinching.

"You are of a special breed Sverundr, one of the Meara and able to see what others cannot. Inconnu told me you can see the truth of others, so what do you see?"

For the first time outside of combat, the Witch-King saw indecisiveness in the eyes of Sverundr as the horse stood still. It was obvious he was thinking things over and as the stallion did so Er-Murazor closed the distance between them with care until he was close enough to easily reach out and touch the large stallion. This startled Sverundr, but he made no move to harm the Ringwraith. Taking his advantage further Er-Murazor raised an ironclad hand and so very slowly began to stroke Sverundr behind his head and down his neck.

His Corrupted Heart [Witch-King x OC]Where stories live. Discover now