Chapter XI : The Fragility of the Heart

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"The heart is one of the most powerful muscles we have... and the most fragile." -Sonya Teclai

Inconnu was relieved when the pain disappeared, the darkness surrounding her. She felt utterly content in this place, despite not knowing wherever this was. If she were being more honest with herself, Inconnu did not really want to leave this place. She was very much at peace here in this strange darkness.

"It is not your time yet, my Chosen," Came the familiar calm tones of Oromë. "You are healed, the recent danger has passed."

Inconnu felt momentarily confused, but found that she could not find her voice. A small, white light then appeared in front of her and she felt compelled to touch it. When she did, just barely with her fingertips, it suddenly grew and encompassed her entirely.

"Return to him."


Inconnu gasped, unable to open her eyes just yet and her breathing was erratic for a minute. She felt a warm, metal hand grasping onto hers tightly and with a more feeble grip, she squeezed back.

"Inconnu..." She heard Er-Murazor say and Inconnu opened her eyes.

To her surprise, she immediately saw his face, no darkness hiding it from her. This was clearest she had ever seen him and she was mesmerized by the actualization. His nearly black eyes looked incredibly sad and felt sad in turn. The worry lines the lost king of Numenor were prevalent on his pale features, a worry she realized was for her. Suddenly the side of her head was pressed against his chest, gently being held by Er-Murazor and leaving Inconnu in a confused state of mind, their hands still latched onto the other.

"You foolish woman..." He whispered into her ear, using a tone Inconnu found foreign of him to use.

Surely that weakened voice could not belong to the Witch-King of Angmar? The faintness of Inconnu's was more understanding and was raspy enough to almost be mistaken for that of a Ringwraith's.

"...Mura?" Inconnu managed to say, her confusion increasing.

He held her tighter against him, mindful of the bandages and wounds Inconnu could now feel.

"I... I thought I had lost you," Er-Murazor admitted, sounding not unsure of his words, but of himself. "You were mortally wounded..."

Inconnu pulled back a little so she could see Er-Murazor's face again and when their eyes met she smiled softly at him.

"Thank you Er-Murazor, it seems debts have been evened."

His dark eyes widened, mouth almost agape but his deeply ingrained Numenorian dignity refused to reveal his shock that much.

"Yes, it seems that way," He then carefully said, "A good thing that your fever broke only an hour ago as well-"

Er-Murazor stopped himself suddenly, his gauntleted hand holding onto her until her back was lowered onto the blankets again. Inconnu was again confused but it faded once a yawn escaped her and her eyes wanted to close. She could have sworn that Er-Murazor lets a soft smile slip onto his features.

"Take some more rest Inconnu, regain your strength."

Inconnu managed to catch before sleep, not unconsciousness, claimed her.

"We will talk more when you awake again."


Inconnu opened her eyes a few hours later, feeling stronger and she looked around. She was in the cave and the first thing she saw was Sverundr, very much asleep. She smiled, glad that her oldest companion was safe and moved her head to see the rest of the cave. A warm fire was between her and the cave entrance and outside she could see that it was deep into the night. Looking further past the flames and deeper into the shadows of the cave, Inconnu found the Witch-King sitting in them.

His Corrupted Heart [Witch-King x OC]Where stories live. Discover now