Chapter IX : An Attack of Shadows

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"You can only come to the morning through the shadows." -J. R. R. Tolkien

For the first time in a very long time, Inconnu woke up in a state of absolute calm.

She was utterly content and considering what she had gone through as so far in her journey to redeem the Witch-King of Angmar this was very much needed. The Huntress of the North stretched slightly, aiming to loosen the muscles from their sleep, when she realized that something was preventing her from doing so fully. Slowly Inconnu opened her eyes and to her surprise worn black robes met her gaze, and looking further around she then fully noticed that she was in the arms of Er-Murazor.

Inconnu didn't know how to quite take this situation, having never been in this kind of situation before. Being honest with herself though, she found that she didn't mind being in his grasp. He was warm, something that she barely noted before she fell asleep after the tense and dangerous situation they both found themselves in the night before. Inconnu sighed, though quietly as not to disturb the still resting Nazgûl.

'At least he's resting,' She thought to herself. 'We all need some after the past few days, especially after last night.'

Inconnu, now properly thinking back on her action that night, surprised herself at what she had done. Never would she have believed before that she would, and did, surrender in such a complete way to a Ringwraith, one of the darkest servants of Sauron. But here now, in said Ringwraith's arms, Inconnu held no regrets in doing so. It may have started out as an instinct, a near desperation to keep his trust, was now a conscious decision to keep him close.

To keep him safe.

Inconnu was now better understanding just what Oromë wished her to do, how to help the Witch-King break free from Sauron's wicked grasp. She also knew now that she too would be changed by this, for better or worse. Sacrifices would have to go both ways for the most lasting of changes to hold steadfast, and Inconnu was willing to make those sacrifices for the better of two fates. As for right now, Inconnu was reluctant to leave Er-Murazor's embrace but knew that they would have to leave the cave. Her ears and hunter's senses told her that the lightning blizzard had long since passed, having faded away sometime in the long night.

Carefully, Inconnu pulled herself from the Witch-King and stood up. After properly stretching the muscles of her back, she then eyed the entrance to the cave. Due to the blizzard it had snowed in, blocking the entrance but Inconnu could see the light of the sun shining through the layers of snow. It would not be too much of a hardship to break a new entrance to the outside. The Wanderer then moved over to her pile of gear, which was next to Sverundr's tack, and prepared to leave.

During her preparations Sverundr also woke with a great snort, lifting his head soon after and he too eyed the snow-blocked entrance of the cave. When the large stallion looked to Inconnu, she smiled and shrugged faintly.

"We've been in worse places Sverundr, no need to be mildly dramatic about it."

Sverundr simply snorted again, as though to deny her words, but simply went about his own preparations to leave. Inconnu maintained her smile as she finished up and took her normal longsword in both her hands, still in its scabbard, and made her way to the blocked entrance. She then started digging into the wall of snow with her sheathed sword, easily making progress as soon the wall began to crumble away on its own as she dug and scraped at it. Late morning light shot its way into the cave as more of the wall of snow was taken down, and Inconnu shivered a little as its warmth reached her.

Once there was enough room to comfortably leave the cave, Sverundr took the opportunity immediately and whinnied happily once he was outside. Inconnu shook her head and smiled wryly, her thoughts then interrupted when she heard a familiar hoarse baritone close behind her.

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