Imagine // 3 // Like I Do

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I was heavily inspired by my, now, favourite song Like I Do by Witt Lowry. It's such an amazing song and pulls at my heart strings. I would say do not listen to this while reading an imagine from one of your YouTube lovers (Ethan 😍😍) but your already doing that now soooo...

Try not to cry 😅


2 months...


25 days...

Since I last saw that beautiful smile,
Since I last heard that sweet voice
Since I last saw her...


She was my everything and I did something really fucking stupid.

I try to blame her, blame her for her stupid makeup, hair and selfies.

I try to pity myself and reassure myself, saying she's happy with them now, with him.

Truth is, I crumble under her presence and miss her, more than anything.

No-ones gonna love her like I do.

"I can't stop thinking about you..." I muttered to myself, as I layed in the same spot she used to lay, stalking her Instagram.

All these photos...

"Without you I ain't the same..." tears escaped my eyes.

"Just give her the fuck up Mark..." I sobbed uncontrollably as I thought about the new relationship she found...

With Mark.

It tore me apart when I saw them kissing on her Instagram.

My fans have no clue what happened to me, I just stopped uploading, stopped editing for Mark and just gave up on life.

Because she was my life.


"ETHAN!" Came a voice from downstairs.

My door was locked so nobody could enter and see the absolute mess I was.


I already have.

The mysterious person pounded on the door, which hasn't been opened for ages.

"ETHAN! OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR!" Even if I wanted to, I couldn't, I feel so weak.

Silence echoed the house, that was until my door came crashing down, I was so weak and motionless that all I could do was blink at the loud boom it made, hitting the cold surface of my floor.

"Ethan..." the voice said in a small whisper, I could hear the sympathy they gave to me.

The person removed the phone from my grip, switching it off and placing it on my bedside table. A face came into view as they crouched to my level.


"Ethan please, get up buddy." He pleaded, I could tell he was slightly horrified at my state, and I can't blame him.

"Ethan, at least get up out of that laying position." All that I could see in his eyes were sympathy.

"I'm a wreak" I whispered, so low that you could barely hear it.

"Ethan I'm here to help you get through it, please just do this one thing for me. Get. Up."

"I..I can't..." I told him, a bit louder this time but still quiet.

"T..too w..weak..."

Tyler understood, grabbing my legs over one arm and my torso in the other, carrying me bridal style for a second before planting my feet on the floor as holding my shoulders.

I wobbled a lot, nearly toppling over but Tyler helped me to the kitchen, I slumped onto the bar stool as Tyler got me food and a drink.

He set everything infront of me and I just started at it for a while, Tyler across from me, watching.

I started to cautiously take small bites of the food as Tyler started to talk.

"Ethan... you need to move on buddy..." He started.

I dropped the food and slowly looked up at him.

" I...I can't..." I croaked out.

"You can Eth, and you will..."

"Tyler I can't! Nobody will love her Like I Do!"

crankgameplays imagines // ethan nestor Where stories live. Discover now